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Hey guys sorry for the VERY VERY LOOOONG wait for an update on something. I have been having trouble with scheduling for I have so much going on with classes and work.
Anyway I was wondering about this story here and I'm kind of not really liking the path it went. I fell like everything was more rushed than anything and it just jumped around a lot as well as some parts just don't make sense. But that is just me. I want to ask for your opinion, should I rewrite this story and give it a slower pace and more sense or should I leave it like it is?
Anyhow that is up to you. I was really deciding if I should even continue this story because of lost interest. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of it, just not the path I took with it.
Anyway it goes I will try my best to update it.
P.S. 42k reads and over 700 votes....... WOW, that is amazing.
Thank you guys SOOO much for reading it and voting for chapters on it.
Even though there is a bit in the story that don't make sense like when shift finds out Sirus is really Tao, where is the stone????? I promise if you guys say to rewrite this story I will make sure it makes more sense and more logical... for Kung fu Panda that is.
    I might even put a bit of a better story to it. I have something in mind that could possibly be much better than the direction this story took. Tell me what you think in the comments please.
Thank you all.

Update: I am now thinking of just discontinuing this story and just writing a new and better one. The new story would be different in plot with a better story in my opinion. If someone wants to take this story and mold it into their own direction feel free to message me and I will let you go for it. The first person to message me saying they want to gets it and I will update on here saying who. That is just IF someone wants to take this story. The reason I am asking if anyone wants to take it and mold it into their own is because I have completely lost interest in this story but you guys seem to enjoy it so I am willing to reach out to see if anyone wants to take it and rewrite into their own story. I will still keep this story up on my page for anyone to read, but I will no longer write on this story. 

   Sorry for this but I can't keep writing something I just don't enjoy anymore. 

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