Journey Back Home

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Tai Lung's POV:

I can't believe I am going back to the Valley of Peace. I have been nervous the past week ever since Tao showed up and asked me to help. Today, we are starting our journey to the Valley of Peace and Mia is excited to finally meet her grandfather.

"You ok, Hon?" ask Mei Lieu.

"Yes, my love. I am just a little nervous to meet Shifu and all the others again." I replied.

"Well, you don't have to worry. Everything will be just fine. Besides Tao will back you up if anything." Mei Lieu said.

"She is right about that. Everything will be good. They won't attack you or anything. I promise." said Tao.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Well everything is packed and loaded. If we want to make it there by tomorrow evening, then we better get a move on." said Mei Lieu.

Tao's POV:

*Time Skip to night*

We just set up camp for the night and we all sat by the fire. We all shared stories.

"Uncle Tao, how did you and daddy meet?" asked Mia.

That was something I haven't told to her, out of all my stories. I guess to tell it I would have to start where it all began.

"Well, Mia. When I was, lets see, about three years old, I was left in a hole of a mountain, that acted as a hiding spot I guess, by my parents. I didn't know why, even to this day I don't know why they left me there. But after awhile, I got out of there and started walking in an unknown direction. I ended up in the Valley of Peace. I was hungry and tired, I went around seeing if anyone would lend me food or give me a place to sleep, but no one did." I said.

"What, why were they mean to you uncle Tao? What did you do to them that made them do that?" Mia said in a sad/angry voice.

"Nothing, but they didn't trust me." I laughed. "So I just kept going knocking on every door and getting rejected every time. Then I ran into Shifu, he saw me and asked me about my parents and I told him that they left me out in the wilderness, alone and hungry and he told me to come with him and I did. He took me the Jade Palace, fed me and told me that the Jade Palace was my new home. While there I met your father, he seemed nice and we started hanging together so much we were practically brothers. One day I walked into the training room and saw Tai Lung training and from that day I wanted to learn kung fu. But Shifu was too busy training Tai Lung, He didn't pay a spec of attention towards me when I showed my interest. So I decided if he wouldn't train me, that I would train myself and for three years I worked very hard, studied every bit of the thousand scrolls and mastered every one before your did. After I finished the last scroll I went into the training room and challenged your father to a sparring match. He accepted my challenge and within two minutes, I beat him."

"Wow. You beat daddy in a sparring match when you were just six?" Mia asked.

"Yep, and that shocked Shifu and I." said Tai Lung.

"There you go now you know that story. Now, if I'm am correct, you should be going to sleep." I said.

"Awww, do I have to momma?" she asked.

"If you want to meet your grandfather and not be tired then yes." replied Mei Lieu.

"Okay, goodnight daddy, goodnight momma, goodnight uncle Tao." Mia said as she layer down and fell asleep.

"We all should get some sleep." I said.

With that we all layer down and fell asleep.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now