Welcoming a New Warrior

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Sirus's POV:

That was kind of exciting. Not the stealing but the challenge. I hadn't had a challenge like that for a long time. I'm back at the lair with all the iron I gathered. I went where the leader would be and showed her the iron.

"Wow. Great job. You have definitely earned the general place in my army Sirus. I have sent many out to try and gather the iron and every one of them never came back or came back empty handed." she said.

"Thank you ma'am." I said.

"Please call me Su." She replied.

Shifu's POV:

It has been two days since we returned to the Valley of peace. We were hoping he would make the mistake and show up in the village again but he has not. It seems as we are going to have to send the message to other masters that there is someone out there with the transformation stone and is formed into a snow leopard.

"Master Shifu" Zeng the messenger said.

"Yes Zeng?" I asked.

"Message from Master Ox and Master Croc." he said.

Huh. Why would they message us. I opened the scroll to read the message and what I read surprised me.

Dear Master Shifu,

I would have wished to have sent a message under better circumstances, but there has been an attack here in Gongman City. A snow leopard came and attacked our guards at our storage room and knocked them all out. We got there to see what was going on and saw this snow leopard stealing our iron. He seemed to know us and told us he knew about every single master in China.We tried to fight him but he seemed stronger than we thought and knocked us unconscious. We were hoping if you and your students might be able to help locate this snow leopard and return our iron.


Master Ox and Master Croc.

Wow. So that was where he went. I called everybody to the training hall.

"Okay, I just received a message from Master Ox and Master Croc that there was an attack in Gongman City's storage room where all their iron was located. They said that the attacker was a snow leopard and wanted us to help capture this intruder. This snow leopard has to be Sirus, so we will go and check there and help." I said.

Everyone seemed to agree with me and with that we headed toward Gongman City.

Sirus's POV:

Wow Su Wu must trust me if she gave me the general position of the army and allowed me to call her by name. She just put her trust in me that quicker than I thought. She just made a huge mistake in doing so, but I will have to wait for a while before I start destroying her army. I may have gained her trust, but her two sisters, I still don't know about them.

"Hello Sirus." said Wing Wu from be hind me surprising me.

"Hello." I replied.

"You seem very trustworthy if you can get Su to trust you so quickly." she said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect her to trust me so quick. I was sure she was going to suspect me for awhile." I said.

" Of what?" she asked.

"I don't know, I was just thinking she was going to suspect me of something because of me just waltzing in and asking to join her army." I replied.

"Well you did do something none of the other generals we had could do and you have shown great strength, if I must say so, your strength is compelling and if you were to spare with me and my sisters maybe able to equal our strength together. You have also shown great bravery and courage." she replied.

"Thank you. That means a lot ma'am." I replied.

"Please call me Wing." Wing said.

"And call me Wan." said Wan from behind me.

"It is a pleasure to know you trust me already enough to allow me to call you by name. It is such an honor." I said.

"You have shown to be very trustworthy Sirus." Wan said.

"Yes he has." Su said behind Wan. "Why don't we have a little welcoming party for our new general here." Su said.

"Yeah." Wing and Wan agreed.

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