Telling About the Real Me

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Tigress's POV:

We got back to the Valley of Peace and started to follow the map leading us to the Wu sister's lair.

I can't believe that the Wu sisters are out. How come nobody knew of this, the warden of the prison should have warned everybody if they got out. Unless the Wu sisters killed all of them, which most likely be the case since it was unknown to everybody that they were out.

Not only are they out, Sirus is with them. This could very dangerous if we were caught.

"Here is the plan, Tigress, when we get closer to the lair, you will take the rest of the way in. Find a way to sneak in and see if you can find Sirus. Get all the information you can get and get out of there before anything bad can happen." said Master Shifu. "When you get back we will discuss what to do with the information you get."

"Yes master." I said.

With that we make our way to the lair.

Sirus's POV:

I am screwed if that map was found. Thinking of it now, it probably was found, which means that my plan to ruin the Wu sister's army is ruined. I need to think of something and fast.

I still need to act as if I am Sirus the snow leopard though the plan is ruined. If I was to reveal who I was, Su and her sister's would kill me.

"Good morning Sirus." said Su Wu from behind me.

"Good morning." I replied.

"So are you ready to start training the army today?" questioned Wing.

"I guess that I am ready as I will ever be. It might help me shake out some old memories out of my head." I answered.

"What kind of memories?" Wan asked. I decided to tell about Tai Lung.

"Tai Lung. He was like a brother to me, heck he is a brother. Or was." I said.

"Oh yeah, Tai Lung. We have heard of him. He was trained in the Jade Palace to become the Dragon Warrior by Master Shifu, but when he was refused the title he became evil. He was sent to Chor Gom Prison after destroying the village. We also heard that he escaped. Though after that, we don't know more." Su replied.

"He was killed by the true Dragon Warrior." I said.

"Oh, so one who thought he was to be the Dragon Warrior was killed by the actual Dragon Warrior. Kind of ironic if I do say so myself." Su said.

"Yeah, I was raised beside him. Though when I showed interest in kung fu, what did Shifu do, nothing. He just ignored me and kept training Tai Lung." I said. It was the truth, and sometimes it gets to me that I was not shown any attention, but I still think I would not have done what I did if he did.

"Oh wow. That must have been hard on you." said Wan.

"Nah, it wasn't. All it did was push me harder to teach myself how to fight. Finally, when I was six I completed all thousand scrolls, beating Tai Lung to it. Once I did I challenged Tai Lung to a sparing match and beat him. Showing Shifu that even though he neglected me, I still came out on top." I replied.

"Wow, that is a great story. Though I wonder, if you trained at the Jade Palace, then what happened to turn you bad?" asked Su.

"Tai Lung trained at the Jade Palace and turned bad so the Jade Palace has nothing to do with it. Though I understand what you are getting at. I guess it was the fact that Shifu didn't show me even a spec of attention when I was training myself that really got to me. I mean how would you like it if someone you looked up to be the closest thing to a father to you neglected you and turned the other way?" I said, lying about why I turned, even though being evil was a lie as well.

They looked at me and it looked like they looked at me with what seemed to be... pity?

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now