Tale of a Brothers Reunion

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Tao's POV:

*The Next Morning*

The morning gong rung and I came out of my room and greeted Shifu as well as the others. We all headed for the kitchen for breakfast and the panda started cooking. We all sat at the table waiting for breakfast to be served.

"Here you go. My secret ingredient soup." said Po.

I started eating and we all head small conversation. Most about the Wu sisters and how things went.

"So you and Tai Lung were like brothers, huh?" asked Po. I looked at him and couldn't decide whether to talk about Tai Lung or not.

"Yeah, we were inseparable. We always trained together and went out to the village." I replied.

"Wow, too bad Tai Lung is dead, I would like to see how well you fight against him, haha." said Po.

I looked at him and fought against whether to tell them the truth or not. I didn't know how they would take it and was worried about what they'd do.

"Well, I wouldn't say Tai Lung was dead." I said.

"What do you mean? I Wuxi Finger holded him. Like wa-POW!" Po said while imitating what he did.

"Sometimes the gods will let someone survive the wuxi finger hold if they see redemption in that person. What I mean is the gods saw redemption in Tai Lung and allowed him to survive it." I said.

"How do you know that?" asked Tigress.

"*sigh* It was after my encounter with the Wu sisters for the first time."


I was sore and hurting from the fight with the Wu sisters. I was walking around the town that I found not far from the encounter with my hood up. While I was walking a little snow leopardess cub ran into me.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry." she said.

"Don't worry, it is fine little one. Now where are your parents?" I asked.

"Mia! Where are you." said a familiar voice.

"Here daddy!" said the snow leopardess cub whose name I just learned is Mia.

All of the sudden an all too familiar face comes to view.

Tai Lung.

"Oh, there you are baby girl." he said. He then looked at me. "Who are you?"

"Who I am is no concern right now." I replied. I grab the right side of my chest in pain.

"Are you alright? Here let me help you. My wife is a doctor, she can help you." he said.

I just nodded and allowed him to help me toward his home. When we got there he opened the door and set me down in a chair.

"Mei Lieu come quick there is some who is hurt here." Tai Lung said.

"Coming dear." said a female voice.

A female snow leopardess came in and looked at me.

"Why do you have a hood on may I ask?" she asked.

"I don't like others seeing who I am." I quickly replied.

"Well what is wrong. I am hurt badly, I have a big cut going from my shoulder to my stomach and one and my face." I said.

"Well if I am to help you, you will have to remove the hood." she said.

I look at Tai Lung and then back to his wife.

"Ok, work on the cut on my chest first though. I think it may be worse." I said.

"Ok. Let me look at it first." she said and lifted my shirt.

When Tai Lung saw the orange fur with black stripes he looked interested.

"So you are a tiger. I used to know a tiger. He was like a brother to me. I miss him to this day. I just wish I never betrayed him and Shifu like that. He did the right thing when he used the five finger paralyzation points on me." Tai Lung said. "He was always a good kid. His name was-"

"Tao Khan" I interrupted him.

He looked at me and I slowly removed my hood and showed him who I was.

"Tao, is that really you?" he asked.

"Yes Tai Lung. It's really me. It looks like you really redeemed yourself, huh?" I replied.

"How come you didn't attack me on sight? I thought you hated me." he said.

"I never hated you. You did wrong, I know, but you will always be my big brother. I hated doing what I had to do to you. It hurt so much to do it. I didn't attack you because when I saw you looking worried about you daughter's safety, I saw that you have changed. I saw the same look you had when you thought I was in danger.... I saw MY big brother." I replied.

The pain started to come back and I gripped the cut.

"What happened to you?" asked Tai Lung.

"I had a little run in with none other than the Wu sisters. They saw me as a threat and attacked me. They only got two cuts in and that was all." I said

"Well by the look of it these cuts are going to scar." said Mei lieu

"So you are my uncle Tao?" asked Mia.

"Yes sweetheart. He is your uncle Tao." said Tai Lung.

"Wow, never thought I'd be an uncle." I replied smiling.

*Flashback Ends*

"So that is what happened." I said "Tai Lung redeemed himself and found true love and had a wonderful and beautiful daughter."

"Wow, so Tai Lung is no longer evil." said Shifu.

"Tai Lung forgives you Shifu. He realized he was in the wrong but also you were also in the wrong so it evened out." I said.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"Guys, I have a new idea of how to beat the Wu sisters." I said smiling, knowing this idea could be the key to actually winning.

"What?" They all asked.

"We need Tai Lung."

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now