What did he steal?

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Tigress's POV:

Man what happened. The last thing I remember was the intruder saying he was sorry. What did he do to make me go unconscious?

"Tigress!" said Master Shifu.

"Down here master." I said. Master Shifu came down and saw me sitting and rubbing my neck.

"What happened, why are you down here?" asked Master Shifu.

"Some intruder came last night, he was covered head to toe in clothing. He came down here and I followed to stop him but when I lunged at him he dodged with surprising speed and ease." I said. "He then said sorry and knocked me out."

"Why would an intruder say sorry?" he asked.

"I don't know master." I said.

"Gather everyone and meet me in the court yard." he said.

"Yes master." I said.

I went and got everyone and met Master Shifu in the court yard.

"Ok, Master Tigress has informed me that we had an intruder last night and that he knocked her out, am I correct Tigress?" he asked.

"Yes master." I replied.

"Ok, since that is so, first we will go down and see what he took so we know if he is more dangerous than he already is. If he is we will have to take extra precaution in finding him." he said.

"Yes master" we all replied.

We went down to the basement to see what he had taken. By the looks of it he didn't take anything. But then why would he come down here. He had to have taken something with him then I remembered there was one more thing to check. I went to the box it was in and opened it. Empty.

"Guys! He took the transformation stone!" I said.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now