Journey Back Home 2

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Tao's POV:

I woke up very early this morning and looked over to Tai, Mei Lieu, and Mia all still asleep. I smile and get up to start packing my things back into my bag that I had brought.

"Morning Tao." Tai said from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Morning." I reply back. "You should probably wake them if we are to make it to the Jade Palace in time."

"Right." he said and started to wake them.

*Time Skip*

We were almost to the Valley of Peace and Mia was very excited. I told her everything that I could about the Jade Palace and she really want to see it for herself.

"Uncle Tao?" Mia asked.

"Yes?" I reply.

"What is grandpa Shifu like?" she questioned.

"Well, he is very serious, he doesn't really laugh, that much anyway. But, well, that is I can really say about him." I replied.

"Oh, so he is no fun." she said.

I laughed and nodded my head.

"That's right." I said.

Within ten minutes we were in the Valley of Peace and at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Jade Palace.

"Woah, that is a lot of stairs. Uncle Tao can you carry me up them?" Mia asked.

"Sure, hop onto my back and I'll give you a piggy back ride." I replied.

"YAY!" she said as she jumped on my back.

With that we started our journey up the stairs and when we got to the door I could hear Grunts and screams and things breaking, signaling that the five and Dragon Warrior were training. I let Mia off my back and went to the door and flung it open.

Everyone in the court yard stopped and looked at me a little stunned by my sudden entrance. They then all look to my right and see Tai Lung, Mei Lieu, and Mia. Shifu comes up and looks directly at Tai Lung.

"Tai Lung, I'm-"

"Sorry, yea, I know. I am to." Tai said interrupting Shifu.

He then looked at Mei Lieu and Mia.

"Well, you two must be Mei Lieu and Mia. It is a pleasure to meet you. Tao has told us about you two." he said smiling.

"Yes, that would be us. It is a pleasure to meet you as well." replied Mei Lieu.

Shifu just smiled and turned to me.

"Well what are we waiting for, are going to get this over with?" he asked.

"Hold on there Shifu. Lets rest for today." I said. "Besides there is one more thing these guys need to do." I said, gesturing to the five and Dragon Warrior.

"And what is that?" asked Tigress.

"Train harder."

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now