Sense It ➳ Request for CatasticVulcan

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The Starkiller base was larger than you had anticipated, but it didn't necessarily surprise you. Under the funding of Supreme Leader Snoke, almost anything was possible. Especially when so much was at stake. "So much" being the rule of the entire galaxy.

Your escort, a woman who had doubled as a best friend throughout your years of training, walked silently beside you. Even in the dim light, her white skin stood out, the silver markings crisscrossing over her arms, torso, and face. Her name was Opta Tyd. Or at least that was the name she had chosen for herself. What her birth title was, you didn't know.

You and Opta had been training on a separate First Order base for many years now. In fact, Opta since she was old enough to hold a weapon, and you since you were five.

You hadn't been the only one's Snoke had taken under his wing though. He had an eye for "gifted" or "powerful" youths, and made a point of claiming them at the soonest occasion.

That was where you were going now. To meet one of Snoke's other -professionally experienced - apprentices, who was about to take on the task of gaining an apprentice himself.

Yes, you were receiving a new master today. He was called Kylo Ren. And he was one of the First Order's most feared allies.

When you and Opta arrived on the main bridge, General Hux was waiting for you. He stood stiff and erect, giving a jerky nod as he greeted, "Welcome, Opta Tyd. I trust this is the pupil the Supreme Leader mentioned?"

He turned his beady blue eyes to you. Opta nodded, placing her hand over the grey robes on your back. "Hux, this is Cat Ja'Renar. Ren's new apprentice."

You returned Hux's words of welcome, then the General turned to a figure concealed in the shadows behind him.

"Ren, you are aquatinted with Opta Tyd?" It was more of a statement than a question. You glanced at Opta, indicating to the form in the darkness. She gave a nod of affirmation that said, yes, that is him.

As if on cue, the figure gravitated forward, his appearance becoming clear. You restrained yourself from gasping.

He was tall, standing a full head over you, with an angular, well-defined face, shoulder-length black hair, and calculating eyes that seemed to penetrate through your very being. You rejected the blush that attempted to stain your cheeks upon realizing how your eyes were straying over his form, which was clothed in black robes.

"Yes, I do," he replied, answering Hux's previous comment. He shared a shallow bow with Opta, who said, "I don't know if I would've recognized you without the mask, if the General hadn't clarified your identity, Kylo."

The addressed man raised an eyebrow. "I merely reasoned that it would be impolite to come before my apprentice for the first time so concealed, Opta."

Then he abruptly turned to you.

"So you're my new protégé," he commented, his voice deep, dark, and washed over your body. "I can't say that I expected someone like you."

Despite being overwhelmingly entranced by Kylo Ren, anger still managed to sprout inside you.

"Well," you replied coolly. "I think you'll find that I am an improvement over anything or anyone who you expected."

General Hux gave a rusty laugh while Opta grinned. Ren remained expressionless. "Well, I believe you have finally met your match in wit," Hux declared.

Kylo cast a glance at him. The two clearly didn't like each other.

"Well," Opta said, turning to face you. "If I am no longer needed, I will return home now. Goodbye, Cat. May the Dark Side give you strength through your training."

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