Never Fading Part 2 ➳ Request for Fandomsoundsinnocent

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"Mady," Poe brought you out of the memory by placing a hand on your arm.

"Yeah? What?" You said, quickly shaking your head. Poe pointed out the front of the ship.

"We're here," he answered grimly. You gulped, hand instinctively hovering over the blaster at your side.

"Well then," you said shakily. "Let's get this over with and get out of here."

Poe nodded, and you could tell he felt the same. He stealthily eased the ship onto the ground, and the rest of your team followed. You and Poe instantly exited the craft, stepping out into the snow and cold air.

You went over the plan once more with your small group, then with Poe by your side, began the journey to the building housing the base.

Your breath came in huffs, which turned to powdery crystals on the frigid air. Your legs complained from the strain of hauling them through the drifts of snow, but you didn't stop.

When you reached the metal and concrete exterior of the base, you leaned back against it to catch your breath while Poe called one of your associates through his handheld com.

"Seanix, are we clear?" He asked quietly. There was a small fizzling on the other end, then the reply of, "Light 'er up, Dameron." came over.

Poe grinned. "Roger that," he replied. With the knowledge that Seanix had successfully deactivated the alarms in that wing of the facility, Poe proceeded to place the detonators on the concrete.

Once placed, you both took cover behind a nearby boulder, and Poe gave you the honers of pushing the button that caused the charges to explode, sending tremors through the ground, and blowing a perfect hole in the thick wall.

"Okay, go, go, go, go!" You hissed, grabbing Poe's arm and dashing through the breech.

The dust from the explosion clouded and poked at your eyes, but you proceeded through the dim passage, Poe on your heels. You continued slinking through the halls, scrambling to doge patrols of Stormtroopers while effectively making your way to your destination.

The same procedure with the deactivating of the alarms was supposed to take place here as well. But you felt like there was something wrong.

You couldn't shake the feeling that something - or someone - was watching you.

As Poe communicated with Seanix, you edged away from him. The passageway to your left was swathed in shadows, and your feet moved uncertainly towards it.

Your heart thudded, your palms were soaked with sweat, and your breathing became choppy.

There was something hiding in the darkness.

It was barely distinguishable, but in the void, one area was darker, towering over you and standing in the shape of a man.

"Poe, run!" You shrieked, just as a sharp crack split the silence, accompanied by a stab of blinding red light in the form of a lightsaber.

Before you could shove Poe away, run yourself, yell for help, or respond in any way, a rush of weight hit your head, making your vision fuzzy, and your legs collapse from underneath you.

Before you blacked out, you heard Poe scream, and felt strong arms catch you, and lift you up.

Then you faded into unconsciousness...


    You came to a few hours later, greeted by a screaming between your temples and nausea bubbling in your gut.

You groaned, cracking your eyes open and trying to sit up. But you couldn't. You were being held down by something!

That was when your eyes flew wide, and you found yourself in a dark chamber, strapped down on a vertical metal table, no weapon, and no memory of how you got here.

"Where am I?" You whispered to yourself. You weren't expecting an answer, but you got one nonetheless. One that made your stomach turn.

"Don't be afraid, Mady..."

Then he stepped out of the dimness.

"...its just me."

You wanted to scream, kick, punch, scratch, curse, do anything and everything to hurt him.

"You don't look very happy to see me," he commented, eliminating the area between you. "Well," you seethed through your teeth. "It's been a stressful day."

He looked exactly the same. Older maybe, taller...but he still looked like Ben. But it was just a shell. The man underneath was the farthest thing from Ben that could be measured.

His eyes scanned your body. "You grew up," he stated casually. "Yeah, that happens sometimes. Too bad you weren't around to see it." you retorted with a glare.

After merely holding each others' gazes for a while, you finally asked, "Why am I here?"

Ben - or Kylo - nodded, then replied, "Well, my official orders are to interrogate you."

Finding a spurt of courage inside of yourself, you scoffed, saying, "The all-powerful Kylo Ren takes orders? I thought you said Snoke was going to make you powerful, not turn you into a guard dog."

That remark cut one of the strings tied to his patience. You could tell by the way his nonchalant expression drained from his face and was replaced by a slight scowl.

"You never were good at showing respect, Mady."

You returned his glower. "Only to those who deserved it, Ben."

You had barely inhaled after your words when he yelled, "Don't call me Ben! That's not who I am anymore!"

You knew you were pushing too many buttons on his control, but your emotions burst forth, and you couldn't restrain yourself.

"And that's something you're proud of?! You're happy with the monster you've become?!"

There went the last string.


He slammed his hand into your throat and locked his fingers around your neck, squeezing with incredible force. You naturally shrieked, feeling the air building up behind your throat, but unable to escape it.

    "Shut. Up." He hissed, face contorted with rage.

    He then released your throat, then turned around so that he couldn't see you anymore. The air rushed painfully back into your lungs, and you coughed.

    "So that's what it's come to?" You rasped. "Whenever someone makes you mad you just...kill them."

    "I wasn't going to kill you."

    You froze. The blaze faded from your eyes, and you frowned. In a matter of seconds, his voice had gone from enraged to shaking with emotion.

     "Why not?" You questioned incredulously.

    It was a few seconds before he replied.

    "...because I can't kill the one thing keeping me alive. Mady...I still love you."

To be continued...

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