Never Fading Part 3 ➳ Request for Fandomsoundsinnocent

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    You blinked, hardly able to believe what you had just heard.


Kylo turned slowly around. His eyes were glossy with tears. He sighed shakily as he waved his hand over you, causing all the straps to loosen and fall from your body.

You bolted off the table, unsure as to whether you wanted to strangle him or hug him.

"I...still love you, Mady," he repeated, meeting your eyes for the first time in years. "After I joined Snoke, I thought that the power he gave me would make me forget. Give me the ability to forget you. But it didn't. Nothing did. I couldn't no matter how hard I tried."

You pursed your lips, swallowing.

"And then I realized why. Because you can't fight love with power."

You managed a breathy laugh, eyes still wide. You stepped around the table so that you were directly across from him. You were tall, but he was still taller than you. It was something he had always teased you about.

"So after all these years," you sighed. You raised your arms in a shrug. "You still love me."

Kylo hung his head. "I never stopped," he replied, starting to turn away.

But you reached your hand out, catching his shoulder and making him face you again. Your eyes were filling with tears as you placed the other hand on his cheek.

He flinched, obviously not expecting the contact. But he didn't resist when you brought his lips down to yours.

You couldn't count how many nights you had lain awake missing his touch, but you never dreamed that feeling it again would give you such warmth.

As you drew back, you saw his confused face. Your shook your head and shrugged. "I love you too, Kylo."

You saw surprise bloom on his features, but then you saw relief. He sighed out, "Don' me that. Please."

You smiled, brushing your thumbs over his cheeks. "Okay, Ben."

He smiled, and you felt your heart leap. You had only seen that smile twice in the entire time you'd known him. It was the smile of a man completely in love.

You knew it would be difficult. After all, Kylo Ren still existed in Ben, it would be hard to wean him off the power.

But his love for you kept him fighting the darkness.

After his battle with Rey - before which had occurred his first relapse - you had found him bleeding out in the woods. He had apologized nonstop for how he'd let Ren take control again. But you had reminded him how difficult it would be.

Instead of returning to Snoke as commanded, the two of you managed to escape. You disappeared quietly from the Resistance, sending Poe a letter on what had transpired. You learned that he had escaped from Ren when he took you prisoner.

You took refuge on a forest planet in a far off system called Endor. You there bandaged his wounds and he healed without complication. However one scar had been left, that wouldn't be fading any time soon.

A long-term scar over his eye. You often traced the pale line with your thumb while he was sleeping.

After the defeat of the First Order, you and Ben had been invited by General Organa to return. You had accepted eagerly, though Ben was wary.

But all his fears were forgotten when he had been reunited with Han and Leia. Finally he was home. Finally he was free. Finally he was yours.

And the love you held for each other, was never fading.

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