The Sass Awakens ➳ Request for SherlokiansUnite16

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    My eyes snap open as a shrill gasp shoots through my throat. My body involuntarily convulses as panic floods my senses.

    I remember the woods. I remember the pain. I remember him...

    Oh hell no!

    My eyes whip down to see none other than Tall-Dark-And-Terrifying sitting before me, calm and cool as per usual. I groan.

    "Comfortable?" His deep electronic voice thrums.

    "Do I look like I'm comfortable?" I retort, glancing down at my body strapped onto a metal torture table.

    He merely gives a guttural laugh in response.

    Now that my aching head is clearing, I can remember what happened.

    I was helping Rey look for Finn out in the woods of the planet, Takodana. We'd only been searching for five minutes at the most when we'd heard the attacks start. When we tried to get back to Han and Chewie, we'd been separated by a trio of Stormtroopers who were on the outskirts of the forest. Rey had gone one way and I'd gone the other.

    Then he happened.

    They call him Kylo Ren...but I knew him before that. Ben Solo and I had been friends for a short spell of time before he turned. I was orphaned at a young age, and the Resistance took me in and became my home. I grew up around Ben. Until he was sent off by General Organa to start his Jedi training with Luke Skywalker.

    I've only encountered him once since, prior to now of course. When he slaughtered an entire village on Jakku. I was on a mission with Poe Dameron, and he had sacrificed himself so that I could escape with BB-8 and the map. We came face-to-face though...or rather                face-to-mask. He recognized me, but that was when I realized that Ben had died a long time ago.

    The man before me now is using his face, but he's a different person. He's evil in a shell.

    "So," I growl, done with my reflections and ready to get whatever this is over with. "If I ask where I am, will I get an answer?"

    Kylo shifts, rising from his position and striding towards me. "Of course," he replies. "You're on the Starkiller base."

    I exhale. "Of course," I mutter to myself. Then to him I ask, "What am I doing here? You gonna interrogate me? Or are we just going to skip those formalities and get to the torturing?"

    My voice dribbles sarcasm, but Kylo takes the jab in turn, coming back with one of his own.

    "I don't want to torture you," he purrs. "After're my guest."

    I scoff. "If this is how you treat your guests, then I'd hate to see what you do with your prisoners."

    Kylo halts beside me.

    "You won't have to if you answer all my questions like a good girl, Taylor."

   My sardonic attitude wavers. 

    "So you do remember my name," I muse. "I remember it," he replies casually. "I just don't care about it anymore."

    I give him a deadpan stare. "Ouch."

    He pays no regard to my statement, and instead he places a hand beside my head on the vertically propped table and leans against it.

    "So," he starts. "Like I said, if you cooperate, this won't have to get messy. Agreed?"  

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