Unpredictable Fire ➳ Request for friedmayo

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I stand, rather uncomfortably, at his side, anxiously watching the exchange between him and the corporal. My turquoise eyes slide from the latter to my companion, who towers over the soldier in what must be a terrifying way to him, a faceless wraith clothed in pitch shades, the only sign of life within him being the powerful inhuman hum that emanates from his mask when he speaks.

"The droid," he clarifies after the man gives his report. "Stole a ship?"

      If the air weren't currently as tense as a taut wire, I might've laughed. It sounds so utterly ridiculous.

      The corporal stutters out an explanation, saying that the BB-8 unit that the First Order has been hunting with unbelievable extensity had assistance in escaping from the desert planet, Jakku.

      A girl who dwelled on the planet and a deserter of our own Stormtrooper ranks.

      I feel the electric waves of anger ebb from Kylo Ren's body. It feels like if I move even an inch, I'll get caught in the current and be burned to death. I'm pretty sure the corporal can feel it just as easily as I.

      So much caution has to be used in navigating these treacherous situations. A simple upset in the stillness, and everything erupts into chaos. In short, one wrong word, and you could very easily be the next form of prey caught in the fires of Lord Ren's next fit of fury. It only takes a grain of a carelessness to set him off.

      Sure enough, the second the corporal is finished with his panicked explanation, Kylo's hand shoots out and the soldier is jolted off his feet into the air, grasping desperately at his throat as his eyes blow wide.

      I flinch, but if I weren't used to these spontaneous bursts of violence, then I wouldn't be capable of being Lord Ren's second in command, now would I?

      Kylo utilizes his hold on the unfortunate troop, drawing him quickly forward with the Force until he hangs helplessly in the air in front of the dreadful mask.

      "What girl?" He seethes.

       However before the man can muster a reply through his blocked airways, his bulging eyes roll back and his legs cease twitching.

       Kylo growls through the mask before snapping his hand to the side, throwing his victim violently to the closest wall, nearly hitting me in the process.

      Without as much as one word, the vehement Ren storms from the Bridge.

       My eyes widen as I stare after him. General Hux hurries up beside me when he hears the commotion.

       "General Cirst!" Hux's sharp voice directs as he regards the unconscious–and quite possibly deceased–man crumpled next to the wall. "Explain this immediately!"

      I glance at Hux. "Do I really have to, General?" I snap before pursuing Kylo. I disregard the words Hux yells after me and follow my feelings to find the man I seek.

      It doesn't take long.

      The air turns heated and takes on a sour scent as I approach the door to one of the control chambers.

      I peer inside.

      Before me I see Kylo with his mask discarded on the floor, hands propped up against the only blank wall in the room lined with comps and switches, heaving labored breaths that make his back drop and rise at a dangerous pace. 

      I gingerly enter, stepping over the mask and carefully making my way behind the ticking time-bomb against the wall.

      "Kylo?" I try quietly, hardly above a whisper.

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