Always Be Yours ➳ Request for IveGotTheFanFicInMe

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    The sand whirling around your hut burned your eyes and stung as it delved into your dry lips. You pulled your mask up over your face, lowering your goggles.

    God, you hated living on this planet. It was practically lifeless with the exception of the occasional thugs and animals. No color. No climate change. No adventure.

    You longed for the relief of change. Every night as you fell into a sleep of impossible dreams, every morning as you woke to cruel reality, and every second in between.

    Maybe things wouldn't be so bad if my parents hadn't abandoned me here, you thought bitterly. It was a daily routine. Wake up, curse your parents - whoever they were - try to scavenge some salvageable pieces from the wrecks of Imperial Cruisers in the desert dunes, trade them in town, come back to your sorry-excuse-for-a-hut, eat what food you got - if the junk dealer, Unkar Plutt, gave you any at all, the cheating creep - then lay outside and watch time go by in the stars, if there wasn't a sandstorm.

    Which tonight there was.

    You sighed, going inside the tent and lacing the entrance together with rope in an effort to keep the dust out. Your shelter was really just a large sheet of thick canvass draped over three warped wedges of metal that protruded from the sands about five feet. The edges were fastened with cords bonded to the structures themselves. Just enough to keep your head covered at night.

    You bedded down that night on an empty stomach. That son of a jackal Plutt had decided to be an ass today, and had given you absolutely nothing for the perfectly functioning parts you'd brought him. You wanted to strangle him at the thought, but you couldn't.

    Instead you rolled over onto your side and brought your knees up to your chest. Tonight you would be able to escape into your realm of fantasy, where everything was as you wished it could be. Tonight you would dream.

    Or at least, that's what you thought.


    It was one of the rare times Kylo Ren genuinely hated Leader Snoke: when he sent him to planets like this one - Jakku was its name - where there was next to no need for his presence.

    But apparently there was an asset here that needed to be extracted, and Snoke preferred it to be done by reliable hand instead of taking the chance of giving the task to the idiot General Hux. At least, in Kylo's eyes he was an imbecile. Snoke seemed to think he had potential.

    Nevertheless, Kylo was here now, a squad of Stormtroopers led by Captain Phasma at his heels, ready to lay waste to yet another village, and take another innocent life captive.

    Already shrieks could be heard from the nearby trading town as Kylo lead his troop out of the shuttle.

    And the blasters haven't even started firing yet, he thought with merciless amusement. He halted and turned his head to look through his mask directly at an old woman staring with terror-filled eyes at the unfolding scene. He held her gaze for a while, taking in the comical amount of fear radiating off her being.

    Then he turned to Phasma.

    "Kill them all," he commanded emotionlessly. The woman screamed, but was silenced seconds later by the blasters starting rapid fire into the trading hub.

    Kylo ignored the panic in the air, and focused on using his feelings to find the life form he was after. When he locked onto it, he motioned to two of the Troopers to follow him, and started away from the chaos.

    It was only a few minutes of trekking  through the sand before they arrived at what appeared to be a makeshift shelter.

    Kylo's target was in it. He could sense it.

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