Chapter 21

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I felt numb as I'd finally entered the car, a deep, heavy sigh escaping my throat. I pressed my lips together and buried my head on my palms.

I didn't know why I helped her. Let alone why I allow her to control me.

Was it because she was a woman? Is it because of the fact that I was still keen on pleasing women? Is it because I owe her?

I didn't know what it was, and I was dying to stop myself from letting her control me. But I knew I couldn't escape it. Not after what her father had said.

"You must come with us to meet the rest of the family! Freya's aunts and uncles will be dying to see her future husband," Mr. Darling proclaimed. I could hear Mrs. Darling giggling on her side.

"It would be most appreciated. Plus you might as well get used to it, I mean next stop is the marriage right?" She grinned.

I nodded, successfully hiding the nervousness that bubbled inside me. "Yeah, sure. I'll attend it."

"Here's an invitation. It's my cousin's birthday party, and all of our relatives and friends will be attending. I figured the earlier you meet them, the merrier." Mr. Darling stood up, and handed the ivory colored envelope to my hands. To show gratitude, I smiled lightly.

"You can count that I'll be there."

I raised my head and stared at the unopened envelope on the passenger's seat. If looks could kill, the paper would've disintegrated into thin air already. I huffed, and drove out of sidewalk, heading back home.

I'd hidden the note in one of the compartments, so nobody would see it. I pushed the doors open, and was met with the servants and (F/N) cleaning. A chuckle rose to my throat at the sight of her disheveled, yet adorable outfit. A mask, hair pulled to a bun, pink sweatpants, and a dark gray tank top.

One of the servants noticed my presence, and he immediately yelled for my name, snapping everyone's attention.

"The young master! Hello! We're installing a carpet in the living room."

"A carpet? Who.. who bought it?" I shut the doors and stepped closer.

Bob shrugged, "The young ma'am can answer that."

I turned and faced (F/N), she still hadn't noticed me. Was she ignoring me? I froze, Did she know where I went?

She finally met my gaze and nearly fell off the couch in surprise. She plugged her earphones off, and I was relieved. I couldn't afford to have to explain everything if she ever found out.

"Jesus, at least alert that you're here next time!" (F/N) clutched her chest, climbing back up on the sofa to resume her dusting.

"I did," I crossed my arms and smugly grinned, "..someone was just too busy listening to her Spotify music."

"Shut up," she mumbled.

My shoulders shrugged, "By the way, anything I can do to help?"

She glanced at me for a couple seconds, before turning back to her cleaning.

"Wash the dishes, then start moving some of these furnitures, and start sweeping."

I fought a grin that threatened to form on my lips. Move the furnitures, huh?

I padded to one end of the couch, and began pushing it off to the side. As a result, my little ice princess yelped and fell back against the cushions. A snicker rose to my mouth, and I was positive some of the servants were laughing as well.

She sat up, and she was angry. Actually, angry was an understatement. She was fuming.

"Robbie Andrew Pan, you wait until I get my bloody hands on you. I will rip you in half."

I coughed, hiding the shiver that ran down my throat at the sight of her warning glare. Didn't even know she had that in her. I rushed back to the kitchen, and whistled nonchalantly as I began washing the dishes.

Every now and then, for the past hour, I would stalk to see if she was looking this way. Luckily, I was safe. She was busy moving some of the tables and chairs, pausing for a few minutes to think about the placement of the carpet.

I'd already finished the dishes long ago, but I stayed in the kitchen for a couple minutes, fear of what my fate would be if I was to walk back to the living room. With a prayer and a hope to God that I'll be safe, I slowly walked back to the room.

She looked up once she heard my footsteps, and narrowed her eyes, probably at the sight of me sweating. And no it was not from fatigue. It was definitely from her look.

"..I was kiddin', don't get so worked up," She raised a brow as I exhaled deeply, "Now you can help me move the couch, you bloody demon. Move it underneath the staircase so we can install the carpet here."

I nodded, rolling up my sleeves, and pulled the sofa up. I was surprised she was able to carry it way better than I could. I grunted as we began turning the couch so it would fit under the staircase, releasing a heavy sigh once we placed it down.

"..Now, help me move the TV. And Boy?" She called out, "Can you please move the TV stand over here? It'd really help."

"Yes ma'am!"

In no time, the furnitures were removed, the sweeping and mopping were finished, and installing the green carpet was a success. Of course moving back the furnitures was a stubborn job, but it was pretty satisfying to see the house look ..a little lively.

Plus, everyone had fun, and we all ordered some pizza and had a movie night. The only difference was, the servants had their movie night downstairs, while (F/N) and I were forced to enjoy the movie in our room.

The two empty pizza boxes sat on the table at the edge, the third box laid in the middle of us.

With a pizza slice in hand, I stared at the screen. But as the movie continued to play, the pizza slice on my hand was decorated with tears.

The figure on my left had abandoned her pizza and began sobbing.

"C-can.. can you b-b-believe he did that? Oh gosh, just look at how he looks!"

I wiped my eyes, "Poor thing... he even kept waiting."

By the time the movie had ended, our pizzas were stained with tears that fell from our faces. I was halfway through biting my forgotten slice when she lightly pinched my arm.

"Ow! Now what did I do?!" I groaned.

"You just had to go and suggest Hachi! Now I'm all emotional and shit. It's like I'm on my period." She grumbled.

I snorted and ate my slice, "I warned you to grab some tissues."

"Oh shut up," She lightly kicked me, raising her slice to take a bit, "What movie next?"

"Just put a horror movie on. Doesn't matter what movie."

Halfway through the screams and the stupid decisions these people made in the movie, our hands were unknowingly placed on top of each other on the now empty third pizza box, as we dozed off into our slumber.

And if that isn't what you call 'relationship goals' I don't know what is.

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