Chapter 17

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The glass doors welcomed us, the cold breeze from inside the building felt like a breeze. I watched as the servants continued to drag each other inside the stores, and I smiled slightly at the action. At this point, I've completely changed the way I act around certain people. Part of me didn't even think this was me, but I couldn't quite change my habits and return to my old self. Don't ask why. I think we all know the reason. 

I was dragged back to the real world when I heard sudden laughter. I blinked towards the two figures that laughed and continued to make fool of themselves with various clothing. In the end, I couldn't even fight the smile against my lips. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they gingerly made their way through them. 

(F/N) must've heard my steps, her laughter ceased along with Boy, turning her attention back to me. She offered me a smile, and proceeded to place the clothes back on the rack. 

"It was about time you quit blocking the doorway." 

I glared at her playfully, and she only laughed as a response. 

Boy grinned, "Young sir', we should go to that section to find you some clothes! I heard some are on sale too.." 

I froze, my mind darting back to the text that Freya had sent earlier. I could allow them to shop for themselves for a while, and I can find some clothes for my own with her help too. 

"No, it's fine. I think I found some at the store over in that direction." I told them.

(F/N) furrowed her brows, I almost winced seeing her face contort into disappointment. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah, positive. We can all just meet up back in the car when we're done alright? Keep your phone with you." 

I quickly walked away from the two of them, not wanting to see the defeated look on (F/N)'s face. I couldn't stand seeing it no matter how hard I try to deny it. In hopes of distracting myself, I reached for my phone and called for Freya. It didn't take for her to answer. 

"..Hey, yeah. So where are you?" 

Hours had passed since I met up with Freya at some random (and most likely expensive) store. She already had a handful of bags on her arms, which I offered to carry now my arms hurt like hell. But hey, endure the pain. 

The two of us decided to take a break and ate a small snack. I'd already finished my cheeseburger, while she was still chewing her fries. 

"Robbie, I can almost guarantee you will look handsome in those clothes. They suit you very well!" Freya suddenly commented. 

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter, as long as its comfortable and attractive it's all settled." I watched as she stood up to throw her remaining trash. Dusting the non-existent dirt on my pants I stood, scooping up the bags in my arms again. "So, where to next?" 

She bit her lip, looking slightly hesitant, "Victoria Secret.. I kinda need new underwear."

 "Need an opinion?" I joked. 

She smirked, "If you're up to it?" 

I rolled my eyes as she laughed, taking some of her bags with her. The two of us headed out the food court, slowly walking towards our next target. 

"..That's hot." 

She pouted, her brows raising slightly. "C'mon really? You've been saying that to every one that I've tried on!" 

"Not my problem you're attractive. Seriously, though you look hot." I shrugged nonchalantly on the outside. Inside, I was definitely trying hard to contain myself. I was growing excited with all these.. exposing content. I coughed to myself. Down boy. 

"I'll get all of them, since you approved." She winked. I licked my lips, watching her hips sway as she walked back inside the fitting room. I glanced at the other women in the room, biting my lower lip at the sight of their bare skin. Women are definitely a blessing to this world--


I shook my head recollecting my thoughts, as I reached for my phone once again. My eyes widened at the time that was bright against the screen. 7:45 p.m?!

'Hey, where are you? We've been here since 6 and I was wondering if you'd rather take the cab than to come with us. Please text back immediately, or we'll be on our way. -(F/N).' 

I rushed to type my response, but was immediately cut off when I heard the lock clicking from the fitting room. Clicking my tongue, I shoved the phone back in my pocket, and stood up to greet Freya. 

"Alright, I guess I'm taking-- why are you all sweaty?" A sly smirk made its way to her lips, "Was it really that hot?" 

"Probably. C'mon let's pay for this. After that, I best be on my way. They might be looking for me." 

She pouted as I laughed. "Fine fine." 

As soon as she finished, we recollected our clothes and items, exchanging bags and organizing them. She let out a deep breath. 

"Well, thanks for helping me with everything, Robbie." 

I was just about to reply when she leaned upwards and placed a quick kiss to my cheek. I froze momentarily, clearing my throat to regain my composure. 

"Yeah, it's fine. Well, I should be going now. I'll see you some other time?" 

"Actually, I was wondering if you would like to come with me for dinner tomorrow?" She offered, batting her eyes. 

I nodded without a thought. "Yeah, I'll be there. Just text me the address?" 

She smiled, "Sure.. bye now!" 

With a wave, I proceeded to walk toward the parking. Continuing my message from earlier, I quickly sent a response. 

'I'm coming. Sorry for the late response I was using the bathroom.' 

My phone didn't ring afterwards, and I took it as a response that they were probably waiting for me. 

Boy was I wrong. The parking lot was almost empty, save it for a couple of cars. 

I glanced down at my phone, clicking my tongue at the sight of 'No Signal' due to the underground parking. How the hell was I going to get home?

A honk steered me away from my stressful thoughts, and I narrowed my eyes at the sight of Freya at the driver's seat. She stopped by me, rolling down the passenger's window. 

"Need a ride?" She smirked playfully.


A slam of the car door echoed against the parking as she drove me back home. As we reached the road, the sound of my phone ringing broke the silence. My face fell at the message. 

'It's alright. Tell us when you're here.' 

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