Chapter 6

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Classes were normal, and by normal I meant 'girls shooting flirtatious looks at me in the middle of a lesson'. Half the school were suspicious if whether or not I was dating the Ice Princess. The other half, mostly the female, didn't care and continued their daily shits of flirting with me. Which I admit, isn't half bad.

As lunch finally arrived, I nearly didn't even wish to set foot in the cafeteria. Even the food from breakfast hours earlier refused to leave in my taste buds. I was still full. And damn, that woman knows how to cook.

"Robbie! Hey!" Ah there goes Jared Henry Swan's loud mouth. Parker of course, nonchalantly walking by his side. The two already had gotten their food, as Jared skidded to a stop. He was giving me a rather confused and puzzled look.

I furrowed my brows because they're on fleek- I mean, I was confused. "What? Something on my face?"

Parker shook his head, "No, but where's your food?"

"Not hungry."

Parker shrugged, and began leading the way to our table, which was remotely further than what I'd expected. "Hey, remember we're eating with 'Elsa' today."

..Oh shit, I forgot.

It was too late to go back and fetch food now. I could already see (F/N) with her faux smile prepared as we neared their table. Baelfire and Neal sat on her left, the two practically chugging down their lunches.

(F/N) was the first to speak.. well ask, "Where's your lunch? Didn't bring one?"

"Yeah, line was too long." I lied. Parker and Jared gave me a look of disbelief. I just shrugged.

"You're hopeless," she sighed, " I have two sandwiches. Take the other one."

"Nah I'm-" ..wait that looks good, fuck it, "-taking it." I hurriedly grabbed the food that was offered and proceeded to chug it down, way harder than the twins did with their lunches.

"Sheez slow down. Here you can have some of my water, too. Don't die on me." She rummaged in her bag before pulling out a full bottled water. Damn bless your soul, Icey.


She just shrugged and continued eating in a more 'tamed' way as you can say.

Everyone else was so focused in their food, that I could practically hear sudden mumbling in the background. Hey, I had to pause to chew my food so it's normal for me to hear things.

'They're so dating.'

'Did she just made him lunch?'

'Ice Princess and Him? What a couple.'

'Robbie's mine!'

'Are they even together? I think she'd look better with moì.'

Sigh. Seriously, these people need mental help.

"Hey, I didn't properly thank you."

(F/N) paused from her chewing, raising a brow that clearly is not as fleek as mine.. alright I'll quit that.

"Fhank?" Hah, she's cute.

I leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek. Her eyes were wide in surprise, but she quickly smiled as if she knew it was just another PDA show-off. The whole table.. no- the whole cafeteria grew abnormally quiet. That is until one kid-

"I think I just heard the crack of every girl's heart 'xcept for one!"

The interesting day at school finally ended, which was Jesus saying 'I'm real, to prove it you're dismissed'. I was seated next to my fiancé, my parents seated at the front. The cold glare from (F/N) came back, and to be honest, I'd rather see her fake a stupid smile than her resting bitch face. She scares me sometimes.

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