Chapter 3

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Skipping nap time was such a stupid idea. Seriously. The whole entire day, my "wonderful" parents rambled on about the wedding, the dresses, the bridesmaid, location, honeymoon, and so on and so fort. If you ask me, all I'm after is seeing my fiancee in some pale lingerie during our honeymoon night.

I yawned yet again, only I wished to have regret that a minute later when my mother abruptly paused in the middle of her sentence. Must've yawned way too loud, oh well.

"..My "dearly beloved" son." She grit her teeth through a forced smile. "What do you think of your suit for your wedding?"

Inwardly laughing at her evident irritated expression, I cleared my throat. I glanced at the photos that were practically shoved against my face.

..Help me lord, they're damn atrocious.

I released a sigh. Well, if it's my damn wedding, I might as well speak up to whatever bothers me, right?

"Well?" My father pushed.

I shook my head. "I dislike all of them. Mother.. Father.. I refuse to wear a pink damn suit in my wedding!"

Seriously, the suit were practically Barbie-fied to the point where I'll look like walking Ken doll if I was to wear one of those. I glanced at my future woman. Unlike her usual blank expression, her brows were furrowed ever so lightly, enough to show her disapproval of the suits also. Glad she's on my side.

My mother opened her mouth, possibly ready to shoot vulgar words towards me. However, she was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"I agree, ma'am. If you'll excuse me for being so blunt and maybe even rude. The colors are excessively bright, and none of the colors necessarily mix well together. If by any chance, a black suit, a white polo, and a dark green tie will do justice?"

I raised my brows in surprise, glancing at my parents to see that they've mirrored my expression. My dear (F/N), you definitely have guts.

Mother was the first to speak after the significantly long silence. I even lost my voice for a second.

"Well.. That doesn't seem like such a bad choice. Would you agree with the change of wardrobe, Robbie?" My mother didn't even glance at me. Instead clearing her throat.

"Yeah yeah, sure."

I finally regained composure. Believe me, I may have been frozen stiff just 1.2 minutes ago, but that doesn't mean I blank out completely. But I did thank her inside my head. She saved me from look like a straight up drag queen.

As the hour passed, maybe two, I hardly paid any attention, the whole wedding and crap was finally done and prepared. Our wedding was to be scheduled in a very short span of 2 months, which my father also referred to as "Get to know each other or I'll beat your ass".

Two months. Yep. Somebody please push me off the Grand Canyon.

Here's the deal. It isn't the fact that I despise marriage so much, or the fact that I don't want to marry her. It just feels like a huge ass commitment. Like some type of prison, where you can't really have the freedom to ogle with other girls, ya know? Ugh, I don't even know. I'll just bear with it and get to know the girl... and maybe on certain nights sneak away to some strip club.

As my parents finished packing and all that crap, I was just about to literally bid the ice princess a goodbye, when my father (behind his mischievous grin) announced:

"Robbie, show (F/N) here your room. She will be sleeping with you. You know? Just so you two can get closer to each other."


So about that jumping off the Grand Canyon offer.

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