Chapter 25

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My feet froze to the floor. Everyone seemed to have waited for me to speak. But what else could I say? I wanted to cry then and there. I wanted to run and hug (F/N). I wanted to yell at her that I love her and I wanted no more than to make her feel mine. But I know that was too late. I couldn't do anything anymore. 

"Robbie? Are you alright? Too happy to speak as I can see." My mother had attempted to joke. 

I lifted my stare to her, and gulped. I nodded, and pulled a weak smile. Her smile had fallen. 

"Sweetie, are you alright? You look horrible, your hair is a mess." 

I shook my head, and answered with a mumble. "I'm just really tired. Couldn't get any sleep. I was so busy celebrating for this day to come." 

I saw my mother smile. "Well, I'm glad you admitted it to us dear. You might also want to thank Freya for immediately contacting her." 

My body jerked. Freya.. contacted her? In such a rapid time?! 

"She flew to London in a span of hours?" 

My mother shook her head. "She's been here ever since you arrived. She wanted to check up on myself as well. However, the stubborn woman," She eyed (F/N) "..refused to tell you anything. She's been staying at a motel." 

I glanced over at (F/N). All she could muster was a broken smile. I really damaged her. Even after what I said about celebrating. I'm so sorry. 

"Well, I have handed the papers to my lawyer. The contract has been dubbed denied and cancelled. You two, are no longer married." 

I left the room after what felt like hours. I barely spoke, and my mother thought it was just a sign that I was overwhelmed with happiness. How wrong she was. I felt crushed. 

I stayed outside of the hospital, leaning against the hood of my car. My head dropped, and I felt the tears finally trailing down my cheeks. It felt a bliss to be finally releasing them, but at the same time, I wish I wasn't crying in the first place. 

I lost (F/N). I lost the very first woman I loved. 

All because of my stupid pride. The pride that I wasn't able to let slide. 

Although my vision was clouded, I was able to make out a second pair of feet. I looked up. 

I was surprised to see her again. I felt happy, but then sadness.

"(F/N).. hey." 

She raised a hand, and used her thumb to wipe away my tears. 

"Why are you crying?" 

Her voice. I haven't heard it for so long. I leaned to her touch, unconsciously. 

"..Can we talk? Please, just us. Somewhere private. Please. Just the two of us. I need to explain myself. Just this one time, hear me out." 

She gazed at me, the hurt in her eyes was shining so bright. I wanted to end myself for being the reason that her eyes no longer showed gratitude or love. 

I was grateful that she nodded. And I grabbed her hand.


Even after everything, her hand still felt warm. 

I'd driven up the hill, and to a playground. She looked genuinely confused the entire time, but she followed. I signaled for her to seat herself on the swing beside mine. She folded her dress, and comfortably sat. 

We sat in silence for a moment, until she decided to break it.

"..So you never loved me?" 

"I did."

She whipped her head to me. "Then why'd--" 

"Because I was stupid! I originally wanted to sign it and never mention it to you, so you wouldn't need to sign it. But.. Freya had to call and ruin everything. I swear, it was never my intention to leave you. I really do love you." 

I kept stuttering. I could hear the very sound of desperation on my voice but I couldn't help myself. Her brows furrowed, and she glanced at my lap. 

"If you loved me, you would've pushed your pride away." 

I groaned, "I know, it was a dumb move. Please just forgive me for this." 


She didn't say another word. Until. 

"London was such a delightful place, wasn't it?" She spoke. 

I stared at her, taken aback at such an off topic response. But she wasn't looking at me. She was staring at the sky. The moon had illuminated her features; she looked so damn beautiful it was breathtakingly hard to believe she was human. 

"It was. The marketplace wasn't half bad at all." 

She chuckled. "The servants were amazing as well. Y'know they missed you while you were gone. Boy was on the verge of crying, I had to soothe him with a milkshake." 

The two of us shared a laughter. I savored the sound, because I knew I might not hear it again. Well, at least it won't be directed to me. 

"Remember the fireworks?" I asked.

"Oh, god." She sighed, a small smile playing on her already stunning face. "They were beautiful. And just, a sight to stare at everyday." 

"..Just like you." I mumbled.

I saw her freeze, and her gaze lowered to the ground. She then turned her head to face me. 

"I love you still. Even if, I know you don't love me as much as I love you. I will always love you for the both of us. Even if "us" is no longer a thing." 

I knew she wanted to cry, and I was halfway to standing up to wipe her tears but she held a palm up. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and sniffed. 

"I'm such a crybaby."

"But you're still pretty when you cry." 

She lightly smiled. But it didn't last long. 

(F/N) stood up, and dusted her dress. She walked over to where I sat, and stood twiddling her thumbs. 

"I'm gonna miss you." 

Before I could speak, she boldly leaned down. I thought she was going to kiss me, so I shut my eyes. But I felt a soft pair of lips being planted on my forehead. I was surprised. Even her kiss was soft and warm. 

She pressed her lips together, and looked down. "Take care." 

She'd left me under the moonlight, and took a taxi back to her motel. I was left alone. 

Only this time, I know I would no longer be able to hold her anymore. I really was alone. And I hated it. I hated it so much

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