Chapter 4

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Trust me, leading a girl to my room is by far the easiest task aside from unclasping their bra strap. But watching my fiancée judge my room and decoration with that ice princess bitch face? I might as well begin digging my grave.

"Ya like it or not? Just try reason to reason with mother if you despise my room. Hopefully she'll agree to offering you the guest room. I don't want you murdering me in the middle night just because you're forced to this, are we clear?"

Even with the (attempted) seriousness in my voice, she wouldn't speak nor avert her eyes to look at me. Her gaze was careful, scanning the newfound surroundings that'd been forced upon her to bear. I hadn't had any idea why I still found her blank face attractive. Her eyes appeared empty, yet somehow deep down they seemed to be holding a bigger feeling. Could it be anger? (I hope not. Please god, I still wanna live) Hopelessness? Angst? Fury?

I shook my head, hoping to clear my mind before I exploded. I watched as her figure cautiously made its way to my mattress. Luckily I was smart enough to fold my sheets and.. erm.. remove any other lingerie garments from other girls, so I knew she wouldn't have much of a reason to dislike me. I think.

She sat on my bed, her palm gently rubbing its surface.

"You're not at all too fond of marrying me, aren't you Pan?"

My brows shot in surprise. Nonetheless, she still refused to look at me. Damn it woman, my eyes are up here!

I cleared my throat, "I'll be honest. No. I'm too young, I have more plans for myself that I would like to accomplish before I start yelling 'I do' in front of some old priest." Scoffing, my arms folded across my chest. "It's not like you're too happy with this situation either are you?"

(F/N) finally raised her eyes to meet my gaze. I nearly fell back in surprise at how icy and cold her eyes looked.

"I don't want to marry you. It's not like I volunteered to be your 'beloved' wife like all you other women would've."

"Then it's settled! We could complain to mother that we are incompatible. Surely, she'll let us go and drop the whole engagement?"

She glared at me, like I was dumb idiot.

Which was partly true.

"If it were that easy, I would've resorted to that 7 minutes ago, dumbass. Your parents are far too blind to see how much we despise each other. For now, the best course is to suck it up and deal with it."

I bit my cheek, considering her plan. But not before I make a few adjustments.

"Alright here's what we'll do. We'll get married and all that shit, but we're to divorce in a year. Are we clear? By that time, we should be done with high school and off to college. Using the whole 'Busy-With-Career' excuse could potentially give us a pretty legitimate reason to why we should be better off without each other. Whaddaya say?"

Judging from her look, she didn't have to think twice.


The sky grew darker, the night blossoming more and more as the illuminating moon presented its face to the sky. (F/N) and I discussed the many conditions to our "relationship", to make it sound convincing it enough that we're indeed in love.

"We need to develop a strong enough act for your parents to believe you've changed. And if that would result to public displays of affection, so be it."

I was about to protest however-

"I'm not saying that because I want to remember? I'm saying this as an ideal way to prove how much we've fallen for each other. It'll be seen as an effort that we've put just for us to get along. If we were to hate each other, then divorce it's no use. Your parents will most likely keep us married until you've really had a change of heart."

Although I hated to admit it, she was right.

...Ugh, I just admire that. I hate it when I'm wrong.

"Fine, reasonable enough. Now how about school?"

"We might have to play it off as if we're dating, but not engaged. At this point, hide your ring while we're at school. Only show it when it's needed."

She stared at me momentarily, before averting her gaze to the ground. She looked stressed, and I can't blame her. I nodded to her previous suggestion much to our dismay.

At least, she was cooperative. But lord, help me survive school tomorrow.


A/N : Sorry for the long hiatus! I had school, finals, and performance that I needed to take a break. Now that it's summer I promise to update this story frequently. Thank you all for your wondering reviews!

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