Chapter 10

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What I would kill to get tacos right now. The scenery that passed by through the windows was delightful, except that I can't seem to enjoy the view because my stomach was nagging at me for food. Demanding little assbutt, we're almost there. I turned my head to the side to meet my fiancè- correction, wife. It was hardly to believe that in just a matter months, we went from enemies, to awkwardly pretending we're sucking each others faces, to a priest reciting 75 lines to wed us.

The back of her head was facing me, evident that the streets and the buildings seem to piqued her interest more than engaging an conversation with me. She probably felt awkward after that 'intimate' (ish) stunt she pulled inside the church. I lowered my gaze to meet her left hand, the ring I've gently slipped on after I promised my vows catching my eye. The bright diamond sparkled in the light, said accessory the proof that this marriage was far from staged.

I inched my hand towards hers, before I fully rested my palm atop her hand. I felt her jolt lightly, but she didn't spare me a glance. I tightened my grip, taking her reaction a silent sign of 'okay'.

Seriously, I don't even know how I feel about her, let alone if I can ever bring myself to quit being stubborn about it. From the corner of my eyes however, I thought I saw her smile.

The restaurant was fancy- as I'd expected- visitors crowding and engaging themselves in deep conversations, as I watched them through the glass window. I exited out of the car, extending out a hand for my ..wife to take. She took a hold of my hand, using it for support as she pulled herself out of the car. However, as she stepped out with one foot, the other got caught in her dress making her fall forward. Luckily, I was able to catch her before she made out with the cemented floor. Her head was pressed against my chest, before she stood up once she regained her balance.

"Sorry". I heard her mumble. I only chuckled.

"We're hardly passed day 1 and you're already planning on making out with the floor?"

She elbowed my ribs, and I thought I heard her mutter 'Shut up' under her breath. (F/N) walked passed me, and only then did I finally notice her backless dress. It wasn't just a random hole that revealed her back, it had a heart around it. I shook my head once I realized I hadn't caught up with her.

I laced our fingers together, the cold metallic ring against her finger pressing against my palm. I tightened my grip on her hand as we walked inside the restaurant.

..God damn they have a chandelier! Did they rent Sia to swing around it too?

At least I wasn't the only human being surprised. (F/N) was gawking at the giant cake and the layers. The layers. I couldn't even count them.

The room was filled with clapping and maybe a couple of whistling and shrieks, but I was too preoccupied with staring at the restaurant. Not bad.

I felt (F/N) lean against me, whispering in my ear.

"I thought we were going to have a chocolate cake? Since when was chocolate white?"

"It's probably cheesecake. Close enough. C'mon, let's take a seat."

The two of us skidded to our seats, which was still near that giant cake. Everyone else resumed eating and chatting, along with my parents, whom were next to me.

My wife, wow it felt weird to say that, scanned her surroundings. She looked so curious and childish it was rather adorable seeing in her in such an unexpected expression. I nudged her arm, she jolted and gave me a curious glance.

"Looking for someone?"

"No, just... I'm starving." She placed a hand on her stomach. Same girl, same.

I opened my hand to offer her to grab food, but the sudden sound of glass clinking against a utensil stopped me. Turning my head, I caught my father smiling apologetically.

"Sorry for the disruption everyone. But, it's time for the best man to give him his speech. Don't worry, you all can resume to dining before you know it." My father nodded his head at the best man.

Wait, who was even my best man?

Parker stood up, as if silently answering my question. He cleared his throat, fidgeting with the hem of his suit before he began.

"I hope everyone's having a great night so far. My name's Parker, Robbie's best friend since Freshman year or High School," he introduced himself with a small smile.

"I just- well first of all, thank you everyone for coming. Seriously how do I even begin? Back then, Robbie had absolutely no idea that the ice princess of the school, would be the girl that he'll actually end up with in the future. It's kinda funny, since we'd always pass by without so much of a glance. And when I heard the news of them dating, I was hella surprised."

I rubbed the back of my neck, as I felt the eyes of everyone avert to (F/N) and I.

"I ship them though. I like them together. They're such an awkward couple, which is surprisingly good."

A slight laughter followed the audience.

"Robbie." He turned to me. Oh god why pass the spot light on me. "Your bride's a beauty, savor her. And (F/N), for an Ice Princess, you're seriously hot. Congratulations."

I turned my head to find (F/N)'s face reddening in embarrassment. She didn't even try to hide it. Sigh, brave soul.

Parker raised his glass, "Cheers! To Mr. and Mrs. Pan!"

Everyone followed along, before sipping their glassed champagne. As Parker finished with a silent gratitude, everyone resumed to their chatting. Others stood up to grab some food.

I felt a slight tug on the sleeve of my tux, and I turned to meet (F/N)'s slightly red face. I opened my mouth to speak, but the abrupt sound of her stomach growling bellowed her growing her.

It wasn't even one of those cute, tummy growl, no. It sounded like a fucking dinosaur from Jurassic World.

"Yeah, let's go get something to eat."

She took my hand, a grateful smile forming against her lips once she received her food.

The ride to our erm.. new home was quiet.

I mean why wouldn't it be? We were alone...

...and I had nobody to talk to since my wife was sleeping on my shoulder.

I hadn't the least bit idea on how our house would appear. My parents practically planned and took care of everything, we could hardly butt in on our own choice. Much disappoint.

All I know is, it was probably a mansion because my mom sometimes over exaggerates on certain things. I sighed for the umpteenth time today. I was exhausted, and I still needed to wake up early tomorrow for our flight for London. Yes, even our own Honeymoon is well prepared, thanks mom and dad.

My eyes gazed over to the sleeping beauty on my shoulder. Her hands rested comfortably on her lap, her mouth slightly opened, releasing small puffs of air.

I've told myself countless times I wouldn't fall for her, and that our marriage will only last for a year, and that we would immediately abandon this as soon as the year has passed.

But somehow, somewhere, deep inside I know it won't be an easy year.

I didn't even fight the urge to raise a hand, and gently push a strand of her hair away from her face. My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, as they combed through her now messy, braided hair, my eyelids lowering as I relaxed against my seat.

A/N : I wanted to make this chapter longer actually, but I didn't wanna bore y'all. Thanks for the 400 followers!

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