Chapter 11

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(F/N) didn't wake up as I carried her upstairs to our bedroom. The two of us are still clad in our wedding attire, and it was beginning to take a toll on us. As I set her figure down on the bed, I noticed the beads of sweet that decorated her forehead. Seriously, the air conditioner is on full blast yet here we are showering in sweat.

I walked towards the closet, expecting it to be empty, only to find some of my clothing neatly folded. Hers were here, too. There were two suitcases, and two gym bags. Those were probably our remaining clothes that were already packed by my parents, for tomorrow. Hella prepared. I settled for a gray sweatpants, deciding to sleep without shirt due to the hot air, despite the a/c.

I'm not really a fashionista enthusiast, so god help me that she'll accept whatever the hell I dress her with.

I was able to fish out some shorts, and a white v-neck shirt for her. Figured because of the weather, she'd want to wear something that is definitely not meant for the winter weather.

Closing the closet door, I began undressing myself, stacking the unwanted clothing on a chair. Of course, nearly choking with the tie in the process.

I slipped on my sweatpants, and exhaled loudly. The cold air conditioner finally greeted my body, and it felt euphoric. Turning my head, I saw the white figure on the bed turn. My feet gently and slowly padded to her direction, afraid that I might've woken her due to my loud commotion. Bless god, she was a heavy sleeper.

Now for the next task. Undressing her without getting a slap in the face.

Since she was already on her side, it was easy for me to unzip her dress. I leaned my chest against her, hesitantly pulling down the fabric, exposing her upper torso.

Only then did I realize she wasn't wearing a bra. Well it kinda explains it considering I saw her backless dress, and the bra would've showed but-

okay! Focus!

I pressed my lips together, ignoring the feeling of her breasts pressing against my bare chest. Although I've had ..several one night stands in the past, this whole predicament is different. Seeing a naked woman would usually fire me up with lust, but for some odd reason, I couldn't just do that to her. It's not just because she's sleeping, I felt like I'll violate her innocence if she wasn't willing to give me her body.

Oh god there goes the six packs of cheeseburgers. Robbie, focus!

I was able to slip on her white V neck shirt, which was surprisingly big on her. Pulling down the remaining of her dress was kinda easy, and I was able to finish the task without waking her or even moving her too much. I slipped on her shorts, sighing in relief once she was finally fully dressed. I stood up from my spot, laying her dress on top of my clothes on the chair.

I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the clock.

12:34 AM. And the two of us needed to wake up at 6 to ensure that everything we needed are packed and ready. I've nearly forgotten we were to spend our honeymoon in London. I pushed all my thoughts away. I needed sleep.

I made my way beside her, turning to face her still sleeping figure. She still looked peaceful, and well rested.

And her cleavage was still showing, I couldn't even find her a bra.

Shutting my eyes and my thoughts, I drifted off to my peaceful slumber.

365 More Days.
June 12, 2015.

...Ah yes, the sun..

another symbolization of 'wake the fuck up right now because it's morning and you will get up whether you like it or not'.

I groaned, scratching my eyes to clear my vision. My left hand was constricted, since I attempted to stretch, by a weight. Turning my head, I found my ..cough, wife snuggled up to my arm. I honestly thought she'd wake up earlier than I will to slap me across the face but no.

My eyes traveled to the vibrating phone on my far right.

My wife. Phone. My wife. Phone.... Phone yes it might mom who's calling.

With a struggle, a lot of struggle, I was able to fetch the phone, answering it before the call ended.

"..llo?" The grogginess in my voice was so evident. I didn't bother keeping quiet. I figured if she was to wake up, might as well wake up guilty with my arm squished between her breasts.

"Are you two lovebirds awake? Did you make passionate love with-"

"Mom why'd you call."

"...Alright then. Your flight for London leaves in 4 hours. You two better be ready by then or you will be delayed are we clear? Your bags are packed so you two better have a valid reason if I find out you were late."

She hung up afterwards, I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Do you want breakfast..?"

I jolted, snapping my head to the figure on my left. She was awake the entire time?!

..Nonetheless, she looks gorgeous even in her bed hair. She unraveled herself from me, sitting up with her head bowed down. I sat up along with her.

"You can cook? Do we even have food in the fridge?"

(F/N) spoke in a very quiet tone, luckily I heard her. "I'm guessing your parents must've stocked us some food.. considering they did pack our clothes for us."

I nodded my head. She cleared her throat, inching away from me to get up from the bed. My brows furrowed at the sight of her head refusing to look up. I grasped her wrist, stopping her from moving, pulling her closer. I didn't know what came over me, or why I was so worried. My hand reached up to cup her face, yet she still refused to look up.

"Hey, look at me. Are you okay?"

She shook her head.

"Look up. Look me in the eyes, tell me what's wrong c'mon."

Hesitantly, she raised her head. I nearly bit my tongue at her the sight of her.

Her whole face was flushed red.

I couldn't hold it back, I doubled over on the bed and laughed.

"I-it's not funny! I'm sorry I squished your arm I'm embarrassed okay!?" She was a stuttering mess, it only made me laugh harder.

"I'll make breakfast. Yeah? Yeah. Good. Okay okay. Bye."

She ran out the room, leaving me to wipe the imaginary tears that fell from my eyes. I think I can get used to this.

I leaned my head against the window, eyeing the very view of the clouds that decorated below the plane. (F/N) was seated next to me, ears plugged with her own music, mind probably elsewhere since her eyes were shut tight. We were fortunate enough to leave early and not miss our flight.

We nearly were if not for the kitchen fight we had this morning.

I grinned at the memory. I hated to admit but it was entertaining to see her so worked up over something so small, considering she's usually a cold, 'ice princess' type of girl in school.

I shut my eyes, the voice of the pilot couldn't even reach me.

All I knew was, after 16 hours, London will replace the sight of these clouds.

A / N : Anyone notice I keep putting Paris instead of London? I got super used to Paris hehe, do tell me if I made a mistake thanks!

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