Chapter 22

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AN : My birthday's next Tuesday! Woo!

359 More Days.
June 18, 2015.

I'd woken earlier before my wife did. My eyes fought against the blinding lights, eliciting a groan from my throat. I squinted trying to block out the damn sunlight, but seeing as it's a battle that's already been declared a victory of the sun, I succumbed and sat up. I yawned, and stretched, only to find that my left hand felt a little heavy than usual.

I turned my head, and lightly smiled. Yep. The hands that were laced over the empty pizza box, how romantic.

Quietly, I slipped out my hand from hers, and sat up. The screen from the television displayed the main menu of the horror movie we'd long forgotten. I scratched my back as I lazily shut off the TV, making my way to the bathroom with a yawn.

Even with my mind still half dead in the morning, I thought back to the invitation that was given to me a couple days ago. The party was a week from now, and it feels like it's happening tomorrow.

I groaned. Why I decided to let myself into this mess is beyond me. Why wasn't I born with a faithful ass so I didn't need to feel any wash of regret every night when I'm next to my wife?

I huffed and turned on the shower, hoping the warm water will soothe my head.

"..but ma'am, you have to talk to him about this. It'll be a shame if—"

"No, Bob. It's fine. If he chooses not to, it just safer to assume he hardly cares."

I furrowed my brows as I continued to eavesdrop at their hushed conversation. I was careful to take a step forward, until the creak from the second stair jolted (F/N) and Bob. She looked up in surprise, and turned back to Bob with a nod. From the guess of it, she was telling him to be on his way.

I jogged down the stairs and grasped her arm once she attempted to walk back to the kitchen. Her head was turned away from me, so I couldn't see the look on her face.

"What's going on, what were you and Bob discussing?" I asked.

I heard her sniff, and I stiffened. I slowly removed my grip from her arm, and she slowly turned towards me. Her nose was red, and her eyes were puffy.

"I-it was nothing."

I looked at her incredulously, "Surely, from the look on your face it's far from nothing. Now what's going on?"

She gulped evidently, and hastily reached up to wipe the tears that cascaded down her cheeks.

"Parker called. He said your mother rushed to the E.R."

I was shocked.

I couldn't move even the slightest bit.

Mother was ill? And this entire time I've been lounging around in my own luxury she was sick and growing weak?

"Did they mention where she is." I commanded numbly.

"She's back home in California. The hospital is on this address in Los Angeles." (F/N) lightly rubbed my arm, as she handed me the folded paper.

"I'm taking a flight back home. Stay here, I'll be back soon." My voice was deeper than usual, and the smile that I'd put on earlier was long gone. My feet felt heavy with every step I took walking back to the room, my hands refusing to function completely as I packed away my clothes carelessly. I was drowned in my thoughts, I'd failed to notice the newfound presence in the room.

(F/N) slowly stepped to me, her fallen face portraying her sorrow. She didn't say anything, but instead pulled me into an embrace, and rubbing my back soothingly.

"It's alright. No matter what happens, you'll always have me to fall back to, okay?"

I'd reluctantly left her at our home in London. I felt like I needed time alone to think of this for myself, although I knew, that was the least possible way of recovering from this situation. I stared at the window with an empty gaze, the clouds far below us. I fell asleep before I knew it, clutching on to the slightest hope that I had, wishing mother was okay.

My father welcomed me with a solemn hug, evident that he was slightly relieved I came sooner than later. His eyes and nose were slightly red, confirming that he too had broken down.

"What happened?" I took a seat next to him.

He inhaled deeply, "I was lounging around in the living room, watching the news here and there.. But, then y-your mother, she rushed down the steps a-a-and she told me she could feel a lump on her chest. I was concerned, so I quickly rushed her to the hospital. Next thing I knew, she was rushed to the Emergency.. According to the doctor, she's diagnosed with breast cancer. They also noticed other symptoms a-and basically.." He trailed off.

I shook my head, "That's not possible. Mum doesn't have cancer, she's a strong woman!"

"Robbie, your mother is a strong woman. You and I of all people should know that. We both know she can kick anyone in the arse without hesitation," My father rubbed his palms together, "..but this is a battle that requires a lot of strength."

"She can do this, I believe in her."

My words were betraying me. I was growing more and more worried for mother. I'd deeply hoped she would survive this, I really hoped.

"Can I see her?" I finally asked. My father replied by gesturing the door. I gulped silently and pushed it open.

My heart sunk. She had a smile on her face once she noticed me, and it made me feel weak.

"Robbie, my dear, how are you?" She questioned, raising a hand as I walked towards her. I gently took her hand and kissed her knuckles, seating myself comfortably next to her.

"I should be asking you that question, Mum. How-how are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

She shook her head and squeezed my hand, as if silently telling me to calm myself.

"I'm alright, dear. But you haven't answered me. How are you and (F/N)? I hope you two are doing well."

I nodded my head, "We are. We've been spending quite a lot of time together."

She stayed quiet momentarily, her gaze lowering slightly.

"You don't really love her don't you?"

I froze, again. My silence made her continue.

"I know you've been playing an act of being in love with her this whole time, Robbie. Just to make us happy, am I right?"

I shook my head. No... well maybe. Things changed since then.

"I apologize, your father and I apologize for forcing you in this marriage."

She lifted her gaze this time.

"That is why, we've decided to cut the contract. You two will no longer be needed to continue this marriage for a year."

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