Chapter 8

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A couple months have passed, and today happened to be the very last day of my high school year. Which meant, graduation. Which also meant, 'a major make over because my mom says so and I can't refuse because my father will skin me alive'. I sighed for the seventh time this evening. I'm gonna miss them. By them I meant those cute little freshmen girls who would squirm uncontrollably whenever I shot them a smirk. Wha-y'all thought I would miss Jared and Parker? Nah, we have social media for a reason.

The passed couple months were hectic, not just for me but also (F/N). Believe me when I say I'm not all heartless. The poor girl had just about enough with all the wedding preparations, on top of that she had schoolwork, and proving that we've grown closer to our parents to really deal with. Not gonna lie, it was hard for the both of us. Some days, we wouldn't even exchange a word and crash to bed. Luckily, we were able to survive, the wedding preparations finished and our grades remained... well mine were pretty sufficient I might say, but hers I wouldn't know. I never bothered to ask really.

I faced the mirror with a grouchy expression. My eyebags had eyebags, and even those had eyebags. I look like a walking Halloween costume. My mother finally walked in, my cap and gown folded neatly on her arms. She laid them down as I watched her walk closer to me from the mirror.

"I'm very proud of you, my son."

I scoffed, "No you're not."

"You're right I'm not, but! you did cooperate well with the arranged marriage. I couldn't be more happier!" She beamed. Haha... kill me please.

"Yeah yeah. Just give me my stuff so we can leave."

"You do know that we're not leaving until (F/N) is-"

"Excuse me, Mrs. Pan and uhm.. dear, are you both ready?"

I glanced at the door from the mirror, my eyes widening in shock, along with my mouth falling agape.

Holy shit, she looked hot.

She didn't wear 70 lbs of make up (which I was thankful for), only a liner, a tint of red lipstick, darkened her brows a little, and minimal powder. The cap on her head was an adorable touch. Her hair was straight, save it for a couple of braids that rested on either side of her head. I couldn't see her dress due to her gown covering it, which I was kinda disappointed at, but I could see a hint of white and light green. She wore wedged heels, which I noticed she'd usually wear on most occasions but these were open toed. Nice toes, Icey.

"We're almost ready, dear! Just putting on his cap and gown. We'll meet you downstairs don't worry."

(F/N) nodded turning on her heels (literally) and walked away. My mother continued to blabber on about how excited she is. The wedding is in a week. She did say, the sooner the better. She'd wanted us married even before we entered college which we were completely against, but our complaints fell into deaf ears.

As soon as I was finished with my make over I rushed down the stairs. My father and fiancè were already downstairs, engrossed in some type of conversation until my mom and I arrived. I walked closer to (F/N), taking a hold of her hand and intertwining it with my own. She seemed shocked at first, but I squeezed her hand. Hopefully she'll get the message through her skull that PDA is still necessary.

"Ah you two lovebirds. C'mon we better get going, or you two will be late."

Mom chill. We're not getting married yet.

We weren't entirely late for culmination. Unless you count 'two students nonchalantly walking in while the whole ceremony already began because the principal is already giving a speech' late. It was noticeable we got a few weird stares, but I felt that the look of jealousy from majority of the girls wins. (F/N) didn't care. At least it didn't look like it. I rushed to my assigned seat, so did Icey. We weren't seated together, obviously I mean she had asian grades, I got 'poor excuse of a' grades.

I was bored out of my mind. They called out awards every now and then, and sure I got a few. But other than that, all I wanted was a nap and some churros.

"And our valedictorian for this year is a very, hard-working student."


"She strived for the best and achieved that dream, despite the rumors that blossomed around campus that she seemed unapproachable."

I didn't know Kim Kardashian came to this school.

"Congratulations to (F/N) (L/N)! Our Valedictorian for this year!"

..Wait. What the fuck.

I watched as my gorgeous, seriously she looked like that, fiancè made her way up the microphone. My brows raised to find her smiling widely. It wasn't any of those 'faux' smiles she'd use on a daily basis. It looked real, she looked genuinely happy.

"Honestly I don't deserve this type of award, let alone why I deserved to be standing on this part of the stage. But I'm honored."

Majority of her speech consisted of 'hard work' and 'less procrastination'. I could care less. The only thoughts that ran in my head was how beautiful she looked up there. Am I seriously about the marry that?

"..experience. Overall, I felt judged, due to the names that I was labeled by the whole school. I learned that what people see physically, can affect what they truly think of you. I was labeled the 'Ice Princess'. At first, I felt degraded. Those simple two words had such huge effect on me, that people were very much afraid to approach me. Because of that, I hardly got any of the help that I needed to help me reach success rapidly. I was alone, but I didn't let it get to me. I taught my self independence, and look where it got me."

..Ah, she sounds like Obama. Honestly though, I felt proud. Although she looked strong, she was vulnerable. I chuckled to myself when I realized that. 'Gotta give the girl credit.

"It got me this.. valedictorian thing, it gave me a good reputation, scholarship, and well, a guy who'll probably be there when I need him."

Wait the fuck a minute. Did she just indirect me?

I'm positive she did. Everyone is literally staring at me. Haha hi guys, how's the weather don't look at me.

She ended her speech which a bow, and I ultimately couldn't stop myself from clapping.

The rest of the night went boring. I really want churros right now.

By the time we've gotten home, I rid of my cap and gown and flopped down on the mattress. I was dead tired. I did get churros on the way home, but I was still tired.

The door opened and another figure entered. I didn't need to look up to know it was her. She was still clad in her cap and gown which I found amusing.

"Are you planning in sleeping on that?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, before turning around. She shook the gown off her shoulder, my throat tightening and my eyes bulging at the sight of her dress. Damn ma, her curves are wow.

She removed the bobby pins from her cap, folded it along with her gown, and placed them elsewhere. Sadly, I knew she was about to change in to her PJs considering she just clicked her way to the bathroom with some fluffy clothing in hand.

Don't get me wrong. As much as I hate this whole marriage thing, I need to admit that my future wife is absolutely stunning. Sure I hate her, she hates me, but she's literally blessed with some model like features that I'm gonna be hella lucky to see almost everyday. Even sleep with.

I didn't even wait for her to exit the bathroom. I draped my arm over my eyes, engulfing myself in a deep, peaceful slumber.

One Week Later

What a time to finally be alive.

I was awoken with some yelling, and some jumping, and just noises my god shut up.

"Wait.. where's (F/N)?"

My mom beamed as she walked through the door.

"Getting ready of course! Come on get up! You can't see her today, but do get breakfast before we start preparing you."


Ah right.

The wedding is today.

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