Chapter XIX

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"If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."

Hardik POV:

                                           It has been a month since all the incident took place. Even though she is out of danger, she is not responding to any medication. I would never leave her alone, even my mom and her parents insisted me to attend the school.

                                            I simply informed that I would never leave her alone again. By my confession mom has discussed the issues with my uncle, he had permitted me about the school work cause I am up to date with the syllabus.

                                                     She is still on the life support and I heard the doctors are insisting us to go for mercy kill, here I am the only one who is opposing for that process. How can they think that I would allow them to kill my love.

                                                           Even Anha's parents felt mercy kill would make her free from this life, they say that they don't want her suffer from life and dead situation. I agree I can't see her in such a situation with all the messy machines attached to her body.

                                                                      She can't even breathe oxygen without the help of mask. Her body is laid lifeless on that bed from last few weeks, I would just hold her in my arms without disturbing the support system and drift back to sleep.

                                                                When ever I go to sleep I would mention one of our moments and go back to sleep placing a kiss on her fore head. The doctors said that she can't listen to us but deep down in my heart I feel she can feel my presence and back to me.

                                                                       I know she is a fighter, she would never accept of being lost without fighting, which reminded me about our bet. I was hearing some murmuring in the room, when I open my eyes I see our parents are discussing about her condition.

                                                                 "I know he is being stubborn I will explain him about her situation, if he accepts then it's OK if not we need to send him out by saying some work and with that we can continue the process of mercy kill and make her soul free from this lifeless body." said my mom.

                                                                     Rage filled I clenched my fist and stood up and started shouting at her, I was never this disrespectful with my mother in my entire life. But her saying killing Anha was not what I am expecting from them.

                                                              At that situation Anha's dad placed a hand on my shoulder a pulled me into his warm hug, Anha's dad is like a father image for me after the incident he supported me in my breakdown.

                                                          "Son, I know you love my princess more than yourself. But what you don't know is love is not all about giving and taking, if you are taking a decision which makes you happy and gives her pain then you should select the other way to make her happy.

                                                                       Love can be seen only when you give your loved one what they want. If you them truly from your bottom of your heart then decide what is good for them and act selfless.

                                                                           Now, I want you to take the right decision and inform us. Take your time and tell me what is your decision, we will be waiting for you in the hall. I hope you are going to take the correct decision." he left me in the room by giving time to think and the ladies followed him.

                                                   I took my place on the bed side table and hold her hand in my hands, I remember all my moments with her from the day I saw her, partying with her, her breakdown, her happy moments which I shared with her.

                                                             Her complaining me about my sleeping habits saying I would always hug her and sleep as if she was my cuddle bear, smile was forming on my lips when I recollect all her complains with me.

                                                  Whenever I would tease her she used to get pissed off and would act as if she is angry with me but the truth was she would never be mad at him, tears were flowing on my cheeks.

                                                              Anha please wake up, I beg you baby. I will do whatever you want me to do, I will listen to your every single saying. I will be good to you and never try to make you mad at me.

                                                         You know I have forgot to mention that you won the bet, yes you have won the bet by confessing your love to me. The motive of this bet was to make you realize your love for me and mine for you, when our motive is succeeded why are you taking my happiness from me......

                                                                They say I me accepting for the process for mercy killing is a good option where I can set you free from your body, but how come I let them kill you Anha. Deep down in my heart I feel you are listening to me, if you are listening to me then baby give me a hint that I can stop this mercy killing......

                                         Baby I love you, I love you so very much that it hurts. I can't survive with you baby, I can't move on in my life without your presence by my side. Come to me Anha please baby for the sake of our love please come back to me.

                                                                                          At this point I was sobbing harder placing my head in the nape of her neck and holding her in my hands. I felt someone was poking me, but I can't find anyone and again I felt the moment then I looked at her she was smiling weakly at me and ran outside shouting in the hallway to call the doctor but not before gaining the attention of other people at me.


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