Chapter two

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I couldn't believe that I actually approved to go to this stupid party, I didn't want to meet people I hated people, but here I'am sitting on the couch waiting for Loren's mysterious boyfriend, he is going to be like any douchebag she dated.

"Cedric is here" Loren says excitedly, and we walk out the apartment as Rose seems so thrilled to meet this guy, I would've been too but I already knew how he'll be like, rich kid with fancy car, clean cut and jerk.

I take the stairs as always and feel like it takes me forever to reach the ground floor, at the gate I see the same man I saw yesterday 'Adam' with the same kind smile, he opens the door for me and say "good evening miss" I smile at him "call me Axal"

"Have fun Axal" he says and I tell myself why not? do I have to always be that isolated girl, at least just for tonight I should let myself go, but that all evaporates as I see Rose,Nina and Loren standing with a guy whom I assume Cedric, he wasn't as I expected his car looked old, but taken care of and he had tattoos covering his arms, he looked like a jerk 'dangerous jerk' I could tell from his green eyes, they were dark like they've seen all kinds of cruelty, his short black hair was tousled to the back making his forehead bigger than it is, "Ced this is Axal" Loren say introducing me "weird name" he says with a deep voice, yeah my name is kind of weird thanks to the shitty person they call my father, I really want to just go back to the apartment I feel something bad, really bad.

I look out of the car window trying to save the streets and buildings in my memory, Chicago some how have a similarity with New York, but it seemed smaller in a way, and suddenly I remember my mother I only called her last night when we landed, I know she'll miss me as much as I will she's the most important person in my life and I hope she does well without me.

After a while of driving we reach for a very different neighborhood than the one we live in, the houses looked old and small, people sat on the street drinking and smoking, okay this is bad "this is a really bad side of the city" Nina whispers to me, yeah I could see that "Loren got us in shit situations this one is the worst" I whisper back, we drive a few houses and then reach to bigger one with more people drinking from red cups, Cedric pulls over and we step out the car looking everywhere and realizing all the people here looked scary, but Loren seemed fine walking with her boyfriend while he holds her back. No one will blame me if I kill her right now "okay this is different and seems fun" Roseland says fixing her red curls, both me and Nina glare at her as we walk inside.

The house was really big from the inside, but still crowded with people drunk people and girls here seems haven't heard of clothes, I look down on what I'm wearing black skinny jeans and white shirt and feel like I'm out of place, "I'll go see where Rose and Loren go" Nina says and I nod to her, I head to the kitchen beside me and fined a cup to fill with water as I finish I go out to the pool where some people were swimming and making out, but it was calmer in here than inside.

I sit on a couch in-front of the pool as everyone got out of it because it got colder, this is the last time I go out to a party, as I look through the place my eye catches a guy watching me leaning on the doorway of the pool, he wore black jeans and white T-shirt, he had tanned skin blond hair and brown eyes, he was really tall and well built, he's hot. I try to keep my eyes away, but something tell he's still looking and he was, he throws his empty cup and walks towards me, okay calm down Axal take a deep breath, "can I set?" he towers me and I feel really small under his gaze and cheeky smirk "aha" is all I could say, he sets beside me and I smell his Cologne making me nervous "saw you sitting here by your self thought to come say hi" he says and feel my heart beating fast God his voice "did you come to say hi or cuz I look like an alien in here" he laughs at what I said  and look straight in my eyes "both"

"What's your name?"

"Axal, and you are..?"


he had a weird name too, nice. "So what brings you in here?" he asks scrunching his eyebrows, "my friend, she had to stay with me instead she went to spend time with her boyfriend" I say remembering that I'm really angry at Loren, "what brings you here?"

"My friend, but I'm the one who ditched him. you're from here?"

"No I'm from New York I came here for the collage, and you?"

"I'm a hitman" I laugh at his joke and he stares at me smiling then he swings his hand around my back and I freeze, his head get closer to me and brings his lips to my ear slightly brushing it whispering "Axal you seem a nice girl so I recommend you leave this place right now and never come back, and stop just sitting politely you look so tempting" he let go of me and I feel like I've been electroshocked "nice to meet you" is all he says when he walks away.

I fined Roseland talking with some guys and I know she's drunk from her overly loud giggles "Rose c'mon we're leaving" I say pulling her arm to go and fined Nina, Loren can suck it I believed that guy don't know why we had to leave.

I walk the street beside Nina both struggling to hold Roseland "don't you think we should've told Loren that we are leaving?" Nina asks "no she shouldn't left us in fact she shouldn't brought us here" she had a lot to explain, first is her creepy Cedric second this place and third if she knows about that guy Elias, but something is telling me to keep the last to my self I mean I've never been attracted to a guy that's not on TV or on my laptop screen.

We fined a taxi and get in it, Nina gives the driver the directions and texts Loren to tell her that we left, Roseland was mumbling nonsense and I was angry confused and curios, there have to be something off about that house I could feel it and my feelings are never wrong, and what kind of coincidence that Loren meets a guy on the internet who lives in Chicago the city we are in right now most importantly you can't be this cozy with someone you've just met on real life I feel like they both knew each other before.

That night I was left wondering about everything happened in the party, maybe all that because a lot of things changed, but it was more what was coming was beyond what I've expected, the way life answers our questions is unexpected it takes advantage of our curiosity and use it to destroy us or that what we think at least, the fact is that the truth is hard we could live in the sweet lies forever, but it's like believing the tooth fairy in the age thirty. Even if we choose the easy way truth demands it's right to be free.


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