Chapter nine

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"You know I came here alone you don't have to come with me" I say to Elias as he put his jacket on and we go down the stairs with our footsteps loud each time it hits the ground echoing through the walls "does anyone lives here besides you?" I ask as we reach the street and the cold wind hits my warm skin "there is a girl who lives in the third floor she works in a near restaurant I saw her one time there and an old man barely walks in the second floor, that's all" he says shrugging his shoulders and riding his bike, I look again at the lonely building and suddenly feel sad, everyone in it is by himself and I imagine Elias all alone in his apartment reading a book or cleaning his weapons and then the girl goes to work in the morning then comes back to watch TV and eat by herself, and the old man who would go through old photos of his past. I wonder why did I feel sad for them when all I want with this life is to be happy without anyone around me, I guess we all crave the presence of someone to fill the gap in our heart.

Elias pulls over in front of Bauls shop as I told him to and then I get up taking off my helmet "thanks for the ride and for lunch" I say smiling down at him and for the first time I realize the details of his features, his hair had a darker shade of blond than I saw before and there was a scar just under his cheekbone that is barely seen "it's my pleasure miss Hale. See you tomorrow?" he says

"yeah sure I'll call you, but how did you know my last name?"

"I'm good at searching" he says and kisses my cheek lightly, I wonder what else does he know about me? like you have something to hide. I see him as he drives away from where I stand fading between the cars, while the sun started to disappear.

At this time the shop contained less people, I see Max cleaning one of the tables and struggling to hold some plates as I walk in "you need help?" I say taking some of the plates from his hand "thanks" he says smiling and walks towards the kitchen so I follow him, and now I realize Brandon sitting behind the stool with his headphones and his eyes closed Paul sits beside him burying his head between his hands, it must have been a long day for them. I walk into the kitchen witch was all made of aluminum and in the middle a big wooden stool that had so many dirty cups and dishes, hanging from the ceiling there was some pans and other equipments "Lane the girl who do the dishes took a day off so it's all on me today" he says looking around and huffing "is she the one who broke the dishwasher?" I say laughing and Max joins "yeah that's the one, and I don't know how she do it but she manages to get on every single nerve of Paul, me and Brandon have fun just watching them argue" I break into laughter just thinking of how pissed Paul will look like arguing with a girl "I saw you with that guy before you came in, the boyfriend?" he says wiggling his eyebrows, I smack his arm playfully "not really we're just seeing each other that's all"

"well whatever you looked cute together" I never thought of how people will look at me and someone I'm in a relationship with, it's the only thing in life you should never care what people think of you.

"You know Chicago scares me sometimes" Max says while we threw the trash in a near alley "why is that?" I ask "you know it looks like any other city from the outside but the I look around like just stare at it's streets, people and everything in it and feel like there is a side you can't see, a dark one" oh Max you don't know how right you are.

"Axal, didn't know you came how are you? we've missed you"Brandon says as we walk back into the shop "Good, sorry I have been busy lately. Anyway is Paul okay?" I ask glancing behind Brandon "well he is showing how heartbroken he is finally" was it this bad to feel heartbroken? "I'm sorry but why do I think he will be fine like in two days?"Max complains "he is your friend shut up" Brandon says and approaches Paul patting his shoulder lightly "wake up buddy you're going to hurt your neck" Paul lifts his head with one eye open and ruffles his hair yawning then stumbling from his seat and reaches his phone checking it and huffing "she doesn't worth you" Brandon says "I keep texting her and she doesn't text back, I'm afraid to call her she'll keep repeating the same thing that there is long distance between us when I know that she has been seeing someone else" Paul says keeping his eyes on the ground, I take the phone from the stool and hand it to him "call her" I say looking at his blue eyes, he was a really attractive man and seems not entirely sweet but good person "call her not trying to fix things tell her how you feel and everything you want to say to her"

"I can't"

"of course you can, you are the asshole Paul" Max says and Paul hesitantly takes the phone from my hand "just call her and let it all out" Brandon says encouragingly, he precess call and we all wait patiently "put it on speaker" Max whispers, he is really excited. "Hello" a soft voice comes through the speaker, Paul stays quiet for a moment then speaks "it's me"

"yeah I know your voice Paul, is everything alright?" Sara says like she really didn't care, "I've sent you a million text and you never answer then ask me if everything alright? wow you're such a bitch" Pauls' voice gets louder and he stands up putting the phone to his ear "I know that you've been screwing your trainer, hope you both fuck in hell. Oh and by the way your sweat stinks like an old socks" by the time he finishes, his face is red and he breaths fast "I feel good" we all breaks into loud laughters, he joins in sitting on the floor "now that's Paul we know" Max and Brandon sit beside him so I join in tribbing and almost hitting my head to the ground but luckily I manage to balance my body "oh my God carefull"Paul says still in the haze of laughing.

The best thing in life is to find true friends and be able to help them even by something simple, it felt good that I found those three guys who had honesty, dare and fun spirate believe it or not they kept me on my feet, little things what keeps us sane.


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