chapter 1

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Reagans POV ~

          MALLORY!!!! i screamed, today is the first day of school, well for mallory but anyway, mallory has been the one to skip school with her boyfriend and do things... lets just say not things a 15 year old should be doing.

As i pulled up to my old high school, i watched mallory intensely as she and her boyfriend walked in the building hand in hand, i knew driving away would be the perfect time for her just to run back out so i waited, what else was i gonna do........It was now 8:30 and i figured if she was going to sneak out she would have already, sitting at the school till 8;30, going to starbucks then going home to do coursework  is pretty much my life. when i pulled up to starbucks or when i pulled up to the store on the corner i wondered why the streets were so packed, i had to park to blocks away but i needed the exercise anyway so who cares

When i finally got a half block away all i could see was about hundred screamimg teenage girls huddled around the door .. what the heck?! i pushed through all the girls not happy about what they were screamimg about.... .... one direction, i got the security gaurds attention telling him this was my morning thing and i was here for them but he just shook his head in disbelief so i guess i that means im getting in the hard way....

I texted my best friend erin telling her they would not let me in and the only i was getting in was if she would come out the employe exit and get me, as i stood in the alleyway waiting to my surpise i wasnt standing up anymore cause appartenly its not safe to stand behind a door but the last thing i saw was the five faces of one direction before i blacked out .....

Two pieces ( One Direction love story ) completed !!Where stories live. Discover now