chapter 7

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I hear muffled voices talking somewhere, but I can’t see or hear anything. My mouth is tied up, so I can’t scream for help.

I feel like I’m being suffocated.

Then, all of a sudden, my blindfold is pulled off and my eyes burn from the light. After my eyes adjust, I see two girls and a boy staring down at me. I try to say, “Why the hell did you kidnap me?!”, but it comes out as, “My mwah mewl mwed mweh mwepwap mwe?!” because of the duct tape on my mouth. The girl with auburn hair streaked with pink says, “Shut up and listen.”

I nod. “We know you’re living with One Direction. We know all that shit. ‘K?” I nod again. “We have your little friend, Liz, and unless you do exactly what we say she’ll be killed. Understand?” I nod frantically, and then motion for them to take off the duct tape.

After much arguing between the other girl- with bleached blonde hair- and the guy- who I realize is Mallory’s ex-boyfriend- they rip it off

“Agh!” I scream. “Ugh. Uh, how do I know you really have Liz?” “You don’t. If you’re a true friend, that wouldn’t matter.” “Fine. What do I have to do?” I ask. “You have to get Niall to love you, and then break his heart. Got it?” the girl with the auburn hair growls. “Why?” I question.

“So I can comfort him when he’s sad.” “But-“ “And then do the same for Harry. Lead him on, and then break his heart,” the other girl said.

“We’re going to release you, but if you don’t do what we asked, we will kill your dear friend,” Mallory’s ex said. “What part do you have in this?” I ask him. “Revenge,” he simply stated as he untied me.

“Now go"  “Revenge on whom?” I ask as he pushed me out the door. “Mallory, because she broke up with me.”

He then put a piece of cloth up to my nose and said, “That should get you back to their house.” Then he laughed. Well, cackled, really. It didn’t hit me until I was back at the boys’ house that I realized he broke up with Mallory. I knock on the door. No one answers. I jiggle the doorknob and realize it’s open, so I walk right in.

I stumble to the couch and pass out.

A/n: i hope you guys liked it i will start writing the next chapter soon :)

go follow carrotgirl7

she did a amazing job

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