Chapter 12 :)

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Hey people's,

I am doing this on my iPod so sorry if I make any mistakes :)

Hope you like this chapter

Reagan's POV ~

"babe wake up" Niall whispered in my ear "we have landed"

He extended he's hand out reaching to help me up then intertwine our fingers

"when can I go back to sleep" I said softly leaning on him

"when we get in the car, it's a hour drive to the hotel."

I nodded my head watching my feet take each step out of the airport

"wait where are we, no one ever told me"

"We're in new York babe." Niall said laughing at the same time

"oh, I knew that" I said slowly

I have never been any where but Ireland , London and Missouri

My aunt lives in Missouri and that's the only place she will ever live because she has something against british/Irish people, don't ask

When we got to the hotel Niall carried me up to the room , covered me up then wrapped his arms around me before we both fell into deep sleep

I woke up alone but I could hear Lou screaming

Something about carrots , I guess we didn't buy any carrots

I walked down stair, to see Niall eating bacon, Lou screaming about carrots with Harry while Mallory,Liam and Zayn sat there laughing there heads off

I just miss everything , don't I ?

The next day Lou still wouldn't shut up about his carrots so Liam went to the store and got enough to last him awhile

Mallory and Harry were out on a date

Liam, Zayn and Lou were out somewhere

Lou said it was a secret

So that left me and Niall in the pent house alone and yes I just said pent house

They rented a pent house

Niall said they probably did to give us "couple time" since we make out every hour but this was quiet time for me

"so what do you want to do Reagan poo " he said plopping down next to me

"I don't care" he smirked

"oh so you don't care If I do this" he said moving closer to me , getting itches away from my face teases me

"No you can not tease me " I said pushing him away and going into the kitchen

"fine then let's watch a movie" he said from the living room

"ok you pick ! But no scary films " Niall always picks scary films because he likes to see my reaction and also because he can protect me

"how about nemo!! "

Niall screamed acting like a little kid

"yes!, I'll make the popcorn !"

Me and Niall sat on the couch watching nemo but had to pause it a couple of times because Niall started screaming when nemo went missing

"we're hommee !!" Lou screamed, how can we not notice?

"why back so late?" I asked Liam

"well first we went out to eat and Lou gave us a hour long speech about to never touch his carrots, then we went to the park and lost Lou cause he started chasing a pigeon then Lou wanted ice cream and started throwing a tantrum in the park Cause we said no

" typical Lou" I said shaking my head, where could he be now he is never this quiet in the house

" hey speaking of Lou where is ---"

"BOO" Lou screamed jumping out of the closet, I screamed falling backward then saw Niall and Harry in panic mode running and tripping over their own feet.

"I'm fine, Lou just scared me"

"oh okay" they both said walking away , well thanks, I'm just on the floor and no I don't need any help

( sarcasm)

"guys we have a concert tomorrow so be ready by 4:00 , you too Reagan" Liam said looking at all of us

" wait where's Harry and Mallory"

"they haven't came back yet" I said yawning

"I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone"

"goodnight Reagan poo!" they all screamed , thanks Niall

"as soon as I was comfortable hugging my pillow the door slowly opens with Niall standing there hugging his pillow like a little kid

"can I sleep with you" he said with the pouty face, but he knows those don't work on me

" I guess" he ran over to the bed and jumped right next to me

"Goodnight reagan"

" Goodnight Nially poo"

"oh your gonna get it, just wait" he said before I drifted of into deep sleep

A/N: ok soo this chapter was really boring but I promise I'll do better

Thank you guy for the reads I reached my goal

Now my goal is 400

Haha maybe ...

Well goodnight everyone or good morning it depends where you are :)

Emalee xx

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