chapter 2

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A/N: hey guys i know the first chapter was really short but i didnt want to get into it too much because it was only the first chapter but i also didnt want to drag it out please give feed back guys :)

Liams POV

                   We arrived in ireland yesterday and me and the lads are already ready to leave to go back home. We promised niall we would stay here for a week to just get aways from london but our fans never give us a break beleive me i love our fans but they are just to much sometimes..

it was 9:00 in the morning and we thought if we went out now we wouldnt get mobbed but i guess some girls will skip the first day of school to see us walk in to starbucks

when we finally got there, just like everyday security stood around us but a girl got paul's attention and to be honest she didnt look to happy but all i saw after that was paul shake his head and the girl stormed off through the crowd

when we were ready to head out paul led us through the back so we could get to the car without being noticed, when we got through to the back exit paul told us to be quiet and not draw attention to our selfs but as soon as lou opened the door we heard a loud bang

Reagans POV  

When i woke up i had a horrible headache and i was in a bright white room... wait, where am i ? i  looked around the room and finally saw 6 pairs of eyes staring at me like i had just awoken from the dead. Erin and ugh, One Direction were all staring at me but finally the blonde broke the awkwardness "Are you alright love?" love? did niall horan just call me love? wait why am i freaking out, its not like he's a big deal, i mean yes all of them are good looking but its ---- my thoughts were interupted by me remembering that niall had asked me a qeustion so i just nodded my head awkwardly and layed back down staring at the ceiling

The nurse came in about 5 mins ago and told me that the doctor would be here shortly to tell me when i could be discharged and the medicine i would need to take for the next few days, "hello miss McCarter, how are you feeling" i thought for awhile but im not sure why " ive been better" the doctor just laughed and shook his head "well we will give you some medication and we can get you home this afternoon of course with a parent signature'" i gave erin the look saying" what do i do" but she just shrugged her shoulders, before i knew it the doctor had left and all the boys were starting to question where my parents were, i took a deep breath getting ready to speak but erin got to it first "her parents passed aways years ago" erin knew i hated talking about it because me and my dad were extermely close and after the insident i have never trusted anyone and i always got really emotional when i had to talk about my parents but it gets easier the more people i have around and erin and her family have really took me in when i needed something

"we're so sorry reagan" i snapped my head up to see the boys giving me pity looks, like they really did care honestly niall looked the most sorry, i dont know what it is about that boy but he just looks so awe when he looks at me, good thing he wont have to look at me much longer

A/N: hey guys please tell me what you think it means alot :)




               EMALEE :)

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