Chapter 9 - written by@BEside3

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A/N: hey! hi. how do you do? so im B-) and im helping the lovely @directioner201 out with her story!

i hope you guys like it!  if you do, follow me or check out my stories:)

Reagans POV ~

Right. Lead niall on. and break his heart... Why? This just doesnt make sense. The only thing my gut is telling me is that i'm going to end up the bad guy.

Which wouldn't be very pleasant.

I would hate me for doing that.

But its the only way. Or else, they'll kill Liz.

Our gigantic group arrived at the chicken resterant, as we went ahead and seated ourselves.

"Lucky for you guys, its pretty empty today" i told the boys looking around the room .Niall and i scooched into, getting pretty close considering how much of us squished into one booth. " I suppose it is, isn't it?" Harry looked at Mallory, showing off his dimples.

"How about Liam, Louis, and I here, and you guys over there?" Zayn pointed to a table right next to the booth. "That way we can still converse." He smiled.

"Sounds good. I need some food," Louis added in.

I took a seat next to Niall, our hands intertwining under the table.

His hands are so firm, strong, yet gentle.A waitress came up to us, cleary noticing the world's biggest boyband is in her presence.

"Hello, my name is Linda. Would you guys like a drink to start out with?"

Excuse me. I may me wrong, but... COULD THAT SHIRT GET ANY LOWER.I lowered my eyes, not wanting to have that image in my head at all.

"I'll have water thank you," I quickly told her.

"Same," Niall said.

"Could I have an ice tea, please?" Mallory asked gently. Harry turned his head at her, smiling.

"And for me," Harry dragged out, "I'll take a...Coke. Thank you."

The waitress scribbled on her notepad. "Alrighty. I'll be back in a sec." And off she went to take the order of the booth.

 "You don't want to get our own booth?" I leaned over and whispered into Niall's ear.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. Having to break his heart. Because honestly, if I did that, I'd be breaking my own heart. Making him fall for me is making myself fall for him.

This can't be good.

"I do but you know the boys. With their teasing and all," He replied.

We sat there secretly playing a form of footsie, also known as "handsie". His hands are so big compared to mine.

Alas, the waitress came with our drinks, now ready to take our order. I sipped my water, waiting for everyone else.

Harry ordered, then Mallory, and then Niall gave his order. "I'll take the usual. Chicken wrap, double portion of PERi-PERi chips, corn on the cob, and five hot wings. Thanks." The lad smiled with his straight teeth.

"I'll take the chicken wrap," I ordered quickly. Niall blue orbs were staring me down, evident he was admiring for my features.

I can't blame him. I can't even keep my own eyes off me. Hence, they're always ON me.

Excuse my lame jokes.

Harry's POV

The group ate their food, as we made small talk. Is it creepy I find it attractive the way Mallory eats? Nah, who cares. This is nothing compared to what fans send me on Twitter. Which is creepy.

I think I like her. It's weird I know. She's only fifteen, I'm nineteen.

Also nothing compared to an old relationship of mine.

I was about to ask Mallory a little bit about herself---Not that I'm oblivious to everything about her, I just wouldn't mind knowing more---When the manager came out and locked the door. A mob of teen girls came running like madmen towards the building.

"RUN!" I yelled, taking a hold of Mallory's hand.

Our legs carried us as fast as we could, passing by stinky dumpsters, more dark alleys, and employee exits. Like where we found Reagan.

Mallory tripped over a piece of trash, falling to the ground.

I stopped for her helping her up. Only to find we lost the group.

I looked around and saw an alley. "Come on."

We turned the corner to an empty alley and a big dumpster to hide behind. "Whew it stinks," Mallory plugged her nose. "Sorry for falling and getting us lost," She apologized with nasally sound.

I could help but smile at how cute she was.  We're in an alley. By ourselves. This was definitely the perfect time to ask.  I mean besides the smelly dumpster. I think it adds character.

"So, Mallory," I put my hand behind her head, and gazed into her eyes. "Would you consider, sometime, going out with me?"

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