chapter 14 :)

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 Reagans POV 

The next day me and liam got up early to meet simon about Olivia in Ireland 

yup ireland, simon is in ireland for the weekend for some new singer and we needed to meet up with him to go through olivia's family records 

Simon was very quick to find stuff out because she's only three years old and he wanted to get her to a forever home so when she realized her mom and dad are gone it wont be so hard on her 

*In ireland* 

"hey uncle simon" liam said shaking his hand "hello liam and you must be the famous reagan the boys talk about all the time" i looked at liam, he just smiled "nice to meet you simon" 

"ok guys, so heres the news, olivia brooke tanner is her full name she had a brother but he passed away two years ago of cancer, along with her aunt

she has been tested for cancer and there is no chance she will get it in her young years but later in time it might form

, she was 100% healthy when born, now, she has no family in the UK and the amercian family is all elderly 

"so what are we going to do?" liam asked 

" one of you guys are going to have to adopt her or she will be sent to a foster home" simon said pushing the papers toward us " go back home, talk it over with everyone and bring the papers to me when you are ready, of course when i get back" we nodded our head 

i shook simon hand " thank you, i thinking there is one special irish boy that is going be very happy with this news" he smiled "niall would be the perfect dad" he said "now you two run along and get back to tell the news" 

"Hey guys we're home!" olivia came running in screaming "lou has a carrot gun!" liam laughed and shook his head, lou is on one of his carrot moods today i guess. 

All the guys came down stairs expect niall "wheres niall?" i asked all the guys " we dont know, we have been trying to contact him all day but he wont answer" lou said 

"this just in Niall Horan was spotted in new york today with a mstery girl, what happen to reagan McCarter, who is this girl? more on this story later tonight" the gossip show showed pictures of niall and a girl holding hands and kissing, i felt tears roll down my cheek and ran up stairs and locked my door 

i knew i wasnt good enough, niall just lead me on this whole time and then goes and cheats on me with some girl while im in ireland for the day talking to simon about his soon to be daughter !

I sobbed into my pillow throwing nialls pillow across the room knocking over a lamp before crying myself to sleep 

I woke up to screaming and olivia running in my room crying 

"whats wrong baby girl" i said picking her up sitting her on the bed 

"everyone is yelling at niall, saying mean things" she said sniffling 

"you stay here, ill make them stop and everything will be alright i promise" she nodded her head and smiled 

"why were you with her !, I cant beleive you would cheat on reagan !" liam screamed at niall i cleared my throat and everyone snapped their head and just looked at me 

"stop yellling, you made olivia cry cause you were yelling at niall, now he made the choice to she her and cheat on me so yelling wont make it any better" i spun around about to head up stair when someone grabbed my wrist 

"please just let me explain" niall said looking at me with a serious look 

"fine lets go outside , guys can you go get olivia she's upstairs in my room" they nodded their head and me and niall walked outside i sat on the porch swinging my leg off the edge ingoring the fact niall sat next to me 

"i know you probably hate me reagan but ---" 

"i dont hate you, i just hated the fact that you used me " i said almost yelling 

" i didnt use you, i really like you and-- " i interputed him agian "  you found one better , yea i know just forget it, i thought you liked me but i guess i was wrong! you just thought since i left for the day that you could run off around new york with this girl "

"her name is brooke and those picture , yea i kissed her but i didnt  mean to ! it was a stupid mistake! he screamed " what about holding her hand?" i asked 

"i has making sure she didnt get attacked by paparazzi" 

"yea sure, whatever you cant when me back just like that, and by the way you have the chance to be olivia's dad, you should take it while you have the chance"

i walked away going back inside to hear olivia screaming about carrots agian, lou must be in another carrot mood but i wonder if he knows we dont have anymore carrots" 

"hey liam, if niall wants to adopt olivia let him, he would be a awesome dad" liam just nodded i walked up stair seeing that i was still in my pajamas, i jumped in the shower, fixed my hair and went back down stairs to the guys 

A/N: im sorrry i didnt know what to do after that !! writers block !

so what do you think niall is gonna do to get her to beleive it was a mistake 

tell me what you guys think :) 

i feel like im doing a horrible job because i have got no feedback :( 

but i have 350 reads so i must be doing something right 

dont forget, if you want me to write a louis tomlinson love story put a simley face in the comments :) 



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