chapter 15

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A/N: Hey peoples 

i got 395 reads !! and that means UPDATE !!!! YAY 

OK so i started secretly talented last night but i dont have many reads sooo check it out tell your friends 

tell your ememies and tell your cat cause i will not update still i get 15 reads 

OK im done talking '

byeee !! 

Reagans's POV

Its been three days since me and niall have talked, he has been in his room all day, not sleeping, not eating , yup niall horan isnt eating and to be honest im alittle worried even if we are broke up, i still care about hm 

i will always care about him but right now i think its best to stay away till things get better. Today we are leaving for Pennsylvania for to two day then new Jersey but right now liam is still trying to get niall to come out of his room so we can catch our flight 

when we finally got to airport laim told everyone to not fall asleep because pennslvania is only two hours away but zayn fell asleep as soon as we got on the plane. 

*2 hours later * 

when we got to pennsylvania the tour bus was where we were going to be staying for most the tour, the thing is that two people have to share a bunk, maybe olivia will share with me, oh i forgot to mention niall signed the paper to be olivias dad so he is now a parent of a little girl, i bet that will get  him the girls 

why should i care? i mean yeah oh course i still like him but how do i know if he is telling the truth, really if brooke was just a friend niall would have said he was going to hang out with a friend but he didnt reply to my text that morning or anything 

i dont know if ill ever trust him ever agian 

Niall's POV 

I didnt want to sleep or eat or even come out of my room, i messed up losing reagan, i shouldnt have went and hung out with brooke and not tell reagan or any of the guys,  now theres no going back but i have a plan to win her back 

i spent all day planning and setting it up, if a romancit/ fun night wont work i dont know if ill ever get her back. All the  guys forgave me and liam, harry and zayn helped me while lou and mallory kept reagan busy.

Mallory is going to take her shopping along with olivia so they can get her some cute little outfits plus get reagan a sun dress for tonight and lou is going to to drive her here and not tell her where he is taking her, i just hope it will work 

Reagan"s POV 

Me and Mallory went shopping today to by olivia new clothes and spoil her but then some how we got side tracked and started looking at casual dresses. "reagan this would look so good on you!" mallory screamed 

she was holding a beautiful strapless yellow flowery sundress, i looked at it but where would i wear that, im not much of a dressy girly girl , i will wear dress just not for no reason 

"Mallory where would i wear that?" i asked pushing it away 

"lou said we were going out to eat tonight" she said really quick 

"how come i didnt know about it?" 

"because i forgot to tell you , now come on, im going to get this for you" she said grabbing olivia and running toward the cash register 

"why do i have to wear this blindfold, lou take it off!" i screamed, lou told me he need to go pick something up and wanted me to go with him but then he blindfolded me when we got in the car

"calm down babe, we're almost there" i leaned back trying to relax but how does a person relax when they are in a car going somewhere blind folded! 

The car came to a stop but lou still wouldnt take the blindfold off, we walked it seemed like forever but lou said i was just exaggerating, suddenly he stopped me from walking then it sound like he was walking away 

"lou, where did you go?" i said turning in circle when fnally someone stopped me pulled off my blind fold 

i was standing in a beautiful meadow at sunset, with a blanket ,candles and laterns hanging from the trees, the sunset made the meadow shine, this felt like a dream "do you like it?" a irish voice whispered in my ear 

i turned around to face him, "you did this all for me?" he nodded "you and you only" he said resting his forehead on mine, i looked in to his big blue eyes and then rested my head on his shoulder and hugged him 

"thank you and im sorry for not beleive you" he hugged me tighter then relased me and planted his lips on mine 

"its ok, im sorry for not telling you about her, she was just a old friend"  i nodded 

"come on reagan poo lets not let this food go to waste" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the blanket 

The rest of the night, me and niall layed on the blanket cuddling, looking at the stars,and  telling old storys

"hey come on lets go have some fun" naill said picking me up bridal style and started running toward the lake "how about a late night swim?" he said grinning 

"but i dont have a swimsuit" 

"who said anything about a swimsuit" he said undoing his belt buckle, i smiled before stripping down to nothing and jumping in, niall swam over to me picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and pressed his lips to mine 

it was the best . day . ever ! 

A/N: ahhhhh they are back together!! 

i saw the best song ever video today 

of course it was the best !! i watched it about five times already or more..... 


OK so if you liked this chapter AWESOME 

if you didnt ummm im sorry 

anyway dont forget to tell everyone about secretly talented (my new story) 

even tell your cat or bird or dog or your elephant !! 

ok bye !!


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