Chapter 18 !!!

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A/n: hey well I'm back !! For now anyway.... I'm home sick today

Yup got that sinuses crude :/ well I have kept you waiting long enough I think

I have been really busy with school since I am a freshmen in high school it's alittle hard.

I hope you guys still like this story and keep reading !!

Remember to tell everyone about it !! We are almost to the 800 reads mark !!! Thank you guys sooo sooo much

Ok well here we go I hope you guys like this chapter I am trying really hard :)

Niall's POV

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Olivia screamed repeatedly while shaking my arm, I raised up giving her a smile and picking her up above my head.

"Yes darling?" I said tickling her then sitting her down. "I hungry" she said,

"Come on, I fix you some pancakes then your gonna spend the day with uncle Lou and Harry, what do you think about that?"

"yay!" Olivia screamed jumping on the couch, then attack Lou as he walked in.

"Hey mate aren't you going to spend the day with Reagan today" Lou said picking up Olivia

"yeah, I'm just gonna fix Olivia breakfast then wake Reagan up" he nodded and walked out of the room with Olivia.

"Hey Lou why don't you Get her out of her pjs while your back there" I yelled trying not to wake anybody up.

"that's what I'm doing mate" he quietly yelled back.

Reagan's POV

I woke up to Olivia talking her head off while Lou was changing her, something about unicorns and pizza I don't know.

I walked in to the living room running into Niall.

"Goodmorning gorgeous" he said kissing my cheek then calling Olivia in to get her pancakes

"Daddy, Lou told me baby unicorns were made by two unicorns doing naughty things!" Olivia screamed running into the living room.

"um yea, they slap each other, it's really bad" Niall said picking her up, and giving Lou a glare.

"shall we go?" Niall asked

" yea let me change and grab my coat, I'll be right back" I said walking off

As we walked the streets Niall wouldn't tell me where he was taking me, it seemed like we had been walking forever.

"Niall where are we going?" I said as he dragged me along

"we're almost there babe"

As we kept walking alittle longer we finally came up to a field with one lonely tree with a blanket and a picnic basket sitting on it, but that wasn't what caught my eye ,before my eyes was a hot air balloon.

"come on" Niall said dragging me over to it, he lifted me in and we slowly started edging off the ground I tighten my fist, I've never been afraid of heights but this was different. Niall grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

It almost looked like you were touching the clouds, it was beautiful, I looked over at Niall as I saw him staring off, who wouldn't get lost in this sight.

I was looking at the clouds before Niall grabbed both off my hands turning me towards him.

"Reagan I have something really important to ask you and I want to let you know you are you best thing that has ever happened to me, you are my rock, you're like a mother to Olivia and you have made me the happiest man on earth and with that being said..."

He got down on one knee, I threw my hands up to my mouth as I almost started to cry.

"will you marry me?" he asked holding open a velvet box with a diamond ring inside, I threw my arms around his neck and cried

"yes" I said sobbing tears of joy. He slipped the ring on my finger and we held each other till the balloon landed.

After the balloon ride we sat on a blanket and ate sandwiches and cuddled in each others arms until it was beginning to get dark.

Nothing was said as we were walking back, I was to busying thinking I'm going to be mrs.horan and I'm going to have a beautiful daughter Olivia , this is the rest of my life .

The End

A:n wooooo !! Ok so I had to end it cuz I didn't want to continue well thank you thank you thank you!!!

This story has reached 900 reads from the time I started it in summer till now !! Thank guys so much

Please if you like my writing go check out my new story teen complications it's a bio/advice kind of story it tells alittle about me and then it just talks about different things go check it out !!

Thank you again !! Love you guys !!!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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