chapter 4

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A/N: this chapter will be long !!!! it will be more than one page


Reagans POV

 "um guys, can we go get some of our stuff " i said timidly and slow lou just nodded his head " just tell me where to go love" he said look at me through the mirror.

finally after the long directions and confusion about where we lived , everyone jumped out of the car heading toward the door.

"ok mallory, be quick and remember you dont have to bring all your clothes" i said being kind of rude/ smartass kind of tone

all the boy snickered but mallory just looked back and gave me a glare " remember reagan you can leave your ugly mask here too" she said looking pretty confident

no one found that one funny , everyone just stood there looking at the ground

, it didnt bother me cause i was use to it by now but the boy didnt comment because they maybe didnt what to hurt my feelings, i dont know.

i walked up stairs following mallory while liam and harry followed me but niall was lookin the frig and lou and zayn well who knows.... harry walked in to mallorys bedroom i guess to help while liam stood at my doorway "need anyhelp love" he said while i stood on my tip toes to get my suitcase "yea kind of"

he chuckled while reaching up and handing it to me " you know its really nice of you guys to let us stay until im legal" i said trying not to make it awkward, i hate silence , i would rather talk to a stranger than awkwardly sit/stand there

"  i think all the guys want to get to know you better and also pay you back for the incident, ya know" why would they want to get to know me im just a oridnary irish girl

i just nodded my head not really knowing what to say, i mean its not there fault i was hit with a door, if anything its my fault for standing there

i packed most of my clothes, my personal items and anything else i might need to get me through these 6 months.

i zipped up my suitcase and walked over to my closet grabbing my guitar and song book, "you play?" liam asked i jumped forgeting he was standing there, i nodded " alittle " smiling

actally i have been playing the guitar for pretty long time now, i started writing songs after mum and dad passed away but my dad taught me how to play guitar when i was eight. my dad was big into music, before he passed away we were in the middle of writing a song together but i never finshed it cause i didnt beleive it was completed without him

i stared at my guitar feeling the tear run down my cheek, i felt liam rubbing my back saying " shh its ok' like he knew what was wrong

i wiped away the tear while standing up grabbing my stuff but liam protested and grabbed my suitcase rolling it out of my bedroom.

After loading all the stuff in the van i sat in between niall and liam, i still couldnt get my dad out of my mind but i couldnt cry in front of the boys

"you ok?" niall asked i shrugged my shoulders but he didnt say anything he looked at his phone then he just hugged me and said "you call tell me anything, im here for you" i nodded again laying my head on his shoulder while he rubbed my arm

my face was red from silent crying in the car and everyone kept giving me worried looks but i didnt pay it any attention i just got out of the van with niall still by my side

" come on, lets get you settled in" niall said opening the door to the hotel everyone piled in to the elevator, while everyone had there side conversations

finally when we got to the top floor, i was imformed that me and niall would be staying in the same room but there where two beds so nothing to worry about.

everyone went their seprate ways to there rooms, i had no idea where mallory was staying im guess with liam or harry since they have talked the most.

when Niall and i walked in the bedroom, it wasnt just a bedroom it was almost a condo, i looked around seeing niall had his stuff near the bed closet to the widow so i figured i get the one in the far left corner, no big deal.

Niall's POV

i watched her un packed a few of her thing and i informed her to not to unpack to much cause we were leaving friday to go back to london but she nodded her headed

Reagan was beautiful, she was qieut and just seemed so calm and care free i guess thats why i like her, but she probably has a boyfriend and i mean doesnt hurt to try but i dont think thats a good idea seeing that we just met.

i think Liam also has a thing for Reagan too, mean who wouldn't, like i said shes all kinds of beautiful and i know i shouldn't of done this but i was kind of spying on them at their house, just the way Liam looks at her makes my heart sink alittle....

Harry's POV ( plot twist! now talking about mallory )

" hey Lou, can Mallory stay with me and you stay with Liam or zayn?" i asked like a little kid wanting something " um sure, wait do you have a thing for her" he asked raising his eyebrows " i don't know yet, i mean she funny and beautiful but we just met and i dont want to rush it"

he just nodded walking over to grab his stuff and walking out the door " good luck" he said peaking his head back in i just shook my head ....

but ill need luck to get her. It was 5:00 in the after noon and i was starving, i know Niall had to be by now too unless he has stocked up his mini fridge.

i walked out of the bedroom to find mallory but she wasnt there, i stood there minute before i heard someone it sounded like screaming on the phone, i looked out to see mallory on the balony pacing back and forth talking on the phone looking almost in tears.

i sighed sitting on the couch but i couldnt help but listen to her scream "no, its over" and her slid down the wall crying in to her knees .

Reagan's POV

  After unpacking a few things, me and niall sat in the living room ,threw popcorn at each other, told old funny storys and really got to know each other more, "you know, you popstars arent as bad as i thought you were" i said laughing

" well people just over think the popstar life ya know " he said with a grin, i just laughed and nodded my head

i liked niall, hes sweet ,carefree and hes funny when it come to him being hungry all the time but i cant fall to hard cause what is the chance that he would like me, im too....

Normal ..

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