chapter 8

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A/N: hey peoples, i know chapter 7 was short but i think it was really good because it kept you to wonder ;) 

here is more drama !! 

Niall's POV 

we searched all night for reagan but there was no way to figure out where she was, why would anyone want to kidnapp reagan, what has she ever done. 

"you ok nialler" lou asked i acted like i didnt hear him and just kept thinking 

"we have to go to a signing today so we might want to head out, you coming mallory" Liam said getting up from the couch motioning all of us to get up 

mallory decided she would come with us just in case,

we dont want to lose her to 

Reagan's POV ( after she passed out) 

i heard muffling voices just like i did earlier this morning, was i back with them. 

i jumped up seeing 6 pairs of eyes on me, i sighed in relief, before i was attacked by lou and harry 

"guys--cant breath"  i stuttered, they jumped up muttering sorry while everyone laughed " where were you" LIam asked in a seroius tone not cracking a smile 

"i was kidnapped by mallorys ex" everyone just stared at me not beleiving a word i just said "that little bastard!!" mallory screamed " what did he do to you!" she carried on, while harry tried to calm her down "i cant tell you" i said softly but loud enough for them to hear 

"why cant you tell us" niall asked "i have already said too much they could be watching" i shook my head repeatedly "im calling paul and the others" liam said grabbing his phone off the table and dialing paul 

"hey mallory what is your ex's name?" liam yelled from the kitchen "mark tallor" she screamed back "my legs were voilently shaking, my palms were sweating and it felt like my throat was closing were i could speak.

If the police find him i wont have to do what he said to do and liz will be free but if he finds out we called the police he could kill liz before they get there, there were so many things he could do and kidnapping isnt the worst. 

"paul said he would get the police on him and track him down but he said we need to stay with you at all times" i just nodded 

" i think im going to go lay down , i still really shooken up" they all just nodded but niall demanded to go up there and stay with me just in case. 

when i got up stairs i threw myself on my bed searching for my phone in my pocket but it wasnt there "looking for this" niall said holding my phone "yea how did---" "i found it in a bush" he said handing it to me  

when i unlocked my phone i realized i had a message from a unknown number 

unknown number: im watching you and if you tell one of those little pretty boys i will kill your dear firend liz 

tears formed in my eyes as i read that message, what am i going to do, i wiped the tear away before niall could see me crying, i guess i need to lead niall on then, if i want to keep liz safe. 

Niall's POV 

i watched reagan stare her phone she had just seen a ghost but i didn't want to bother her about it because all she has been through i know she probably doesn't want to talk about it 

i looked at her one last time before making my way toward the door "wait, don't leave" she said softly "please stay with me" she said looking at me with a pleading look 

i walked over to the over side of the bed sitting down next to her, she sat closer to me before she laid he head on my chest falling in to deep sleep.

i sat there for awhile watching her and thinking about how close we have become, Reagan had something special about her those big blue eyes, the way she talked , she was just so peaceful and cute and absolutely gorgeous  

i looked at her one more time smiling before pressing my lips to her forehead and drifting to sleep

(2 hours later )

"aww their so cute" i heard a voice say, that voice had to belong to louis , my eyes opened slowly to see that reagan was still asleep so i couldnt move, "you guys have fun" louis said cheeky "you know it wasnt like that louis" i said glaring at him "sorry mate, just be down stairs in 30 minutes" i nodded 

"wake up babe," her eyes fluttered open slowly rising off my chest nodded her head and heading into the bathroom 

when she came out her hair was fixed but she had no make up on, i smiled at her before dragging her down stairs "hey guys" i said they all looked at me then focused back to their phones "im hungry" i  said falling back on the couch 

" well lets all go to nandos, as a family" liam said smiling 







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