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Senior year of high school, finally. I have one more year in this hell hole before I can be free. Free to get on with my life. Free of this stupid double life. 

I woke up at my usual time of 5 am to go for a run anywhere and everywhere. I ran for an hour and a half, but I had to return home to get ready for my last year in school. I had a quick shower and quickly got dressed. 

I had to wear horrible clothes to school because of my disguise. I put on a pair of old jeans, not the skinny jean type but loose and ugly, I then put a tank top and a hoodie on. I always wear hoodies or jackets to cover up the bruises and few tattoos that I have. I then braided my hair and put my black wig on nice and secure, grabbed my glasses for school and I recently invested in a retainer which I hated but my brother insisted I need it for the look. I'm still fighting him so I can get rid of it.

I didn't wear contacts to change my eye colour my brother tried making me but my eyes were my favourite. Ocean blue. They were just about the only good thing about me. 

I grabbed a banana and headed to my shit car. I had a disguised car as well, it was an old run down piece of crap. The bonus about winning on the streets is the prize money, that money does wonders, but I can't be driving experience cars around school it draws too much unwanted attention.

School sucks, I tried pulling out but my brother was very much against that idea. So now here I am walking into senior year I only need to survive one more year as a loser/nerd.

I walk up the stairs and enter the halls. I keep my head down making my way to my locker.

I take a quick look at my timetable to see I have English first. As I make my way to class the hallways fill with more and more energetic teenagers with golden summer tans. I begin to be pushed and shoved around as people rush to greet each other. I finally make it to my classroom, I walk in to see no one was here, all too busy asking friends how their summers were. I take a seat at the very back in the corner next to the window, I may be a nerd but I don't like answering every question, in fact I never put my hand up for anything, on the odd occasion a teacher would pick on me and ask me to answer a question but it was very rare. I keep away from any unwanted attention.

Students start walking in a little while later and the teacher walked in right on the final bell. It was chit chat for a while because the teacher was very unorganised. my guess is he's new.

Half an hour into the lesson the door opens and tall, dark and handsome, Mr Mason Hunter casually walks through the door and just, as usual, all eyes are on him.

Mason Hunter, the schools bad boy, always late to class, always skipping class and always with girls. He turns heads, he turns the guy's heads because they wish to be him and he turns girls heads because they wish to have him, at least for a night.

I don't really get the effect he has on people I've always seen him as a dick, he uses girls for pleasure and he is the boss of all the guys because they are stupid enough to give him the title.

Sure he has looks, in fact, he is very good looking, but he's not my type, I like the fighters. I like people that have to work for what they have not the ones that flash a white toothy smile and get given everything on a golden platter.

He makes his way to the back of the class where there were no seats left so I had no clue where he was planning on sitting probably planning to kick a poor dude out of his seat like he normally does.

"Move!" I hear a demanding voice from in front of me. I look up to see the one and only Mason Hunter starring down at me.

"I'd rather not." I say out of pure stubbornness. I knew I should have just moved, but I hate people telling me what to do. His face immediately held confusion, I'm guessing people usually listen to him, not me I will not let him have control over me.

"I'm sorry did you hear me? I said move." Is he trying to scare me? Because it's not working.

"Did you hear me? I said I'd rather not. Go sit in that seat at the front that isn't occupied by a person." By now the whole class was looking my way, most people having a look on their face that says 'what the hell are you doing' but others say 'you tell him.' And I've got to admit I feel pretty good standing up to him to confidently.

I think he was officially embarrassed because he stormed out of the class and never returned.

The joys of high school, by lunch everyone knew about mine and Mason's little argument. It's also funny how I could go for years without being noticed but in not even a whole day of school, I can be known by everyone because I didn't listen to the bad boy. What have I done?

When I got home my brother was sitting on the couch so I made my way up to my room and got changed into comfy clothes. I pretty much ripped the wig off it was honestly the worst part of the disguise. I let my blonde locks loose from the braids and they reached to my hips, I really need a haircut. I put on a pair of short shorts and a tank top that showed my tattoo, I have a heart tattoo on my shoulder, I have others but no one can see them. All my tattoos have a meaning they wouldn't be special to me if they didn't. Some people are quick to judge thinking I'm a stupid teenager with stupid tattoos but some people just don't understand and that's okay. 

I made my way downstairs to watch TV with Jake, my brother, before we went to train. Just like most days.

"Hey little one, how was school?" Jake asked sounding way too excited.

"It was the worst. You don't even know what happened."  I mean, of course, he didn't know what happened he wasn't there, but figure of speech you know.

"Well do tell me."

"Well, I sort of got a lot of attention." And I explained the whole story with as much detail as possible.

"Blake, what were you thinking? Talking back to the most popular guy in school it was bound to end badly."

"I know but I wasn't thinking that at the time. He asked me to move out of the seat I was sitting in for half the class before he even got there, then he expected me to move for him. You of all people know I don't like being told what to do."

"I sure know that. Now be ready in 10 we are going to the gym."

We drove in my black Range Rover Sport. As soon as we stepped foot into the gym most eyes were on me. Almost everyone at this gym did street fighting or went to watch it and not meaning to brag but I'm pretty well known around these people.

It was a fitness day so I spent most of my time on the treadmill but I did a bit of work on the punching bag. I had a separate room from everyone else I didn't want to let anyone in on my moves or how I train the only person that knew was Jake. These are precautions that most of the fighters take. 

When we got home I heated up my dinner, we always tried to eat healthily, so Jake would normally make dinner while I was at school to heat up later because there was no time when we got home from the gym.

I went up to my room and ate my dinner while doing the little homework I got today. It wasn't hard for me I learnt everything one or two years ago I was just at school to officially graduate.

At ten I decided to call it a night and fell asleep right away.

Thank you for reading this chapter is a little scrappy but I promise it will get better. Xx

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