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I literally can't get this stupid smile off my face. I fell asleep with it and I woke up with it, Jake thought I had taken drugs or something when I saw him earlier this morning. Why has Mason Hunter had such a big affect on me?

I'm kind of paranoid about the party tonight I don't know how many people are going to be there and I haven't been to one of Mason's parties before, well none that I remember.

Me: Hey what's your address?
Mason: 21 Lee Point way. Does this mean your coming?
Me: still thinking about it.
Mason: come on you know you want to, your a party animal by memory.
Me: yeah that was a while back. I found other ways to deal with my problems. Crap I'm letting out to much.
Me: ok I'll make you a deal if I find something to wear I'll come.
Mason: oh you didn't get the message no clothes at this party ;)
Me: shut up.

I put my phone aside an go to my walk in wardrobe to find something to wear. I decide on a cute flower skirt and a long sleeve crop top and I paired it with a cute necklace with silver stilettos.

I jazz it up a bit with the makeup matching my eye shadow with my shoes and I apply a nude matte lip stick

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I jazz it up a bit with the makeup matching my eye shadow with my shoes and I apply a nude matte lip stick. 

The party starts at 6pm and I only have half an hour left, the day has gotten ahead of me. Before I know it it's 6pm and I still haven't left my house. I get to drive one of my babies finally it feels like forever. I don't want to take my favourite so I take me Range Rover sport. As I near the house the cars a lined along the street. I don't want to park my car like three houses away so I text Mason.

Me: guess who decided to come? Yep me, anyway can I park my car near the house not a block away because my cars are like my babies.
Mason: I was that convincing. Drive to the driveway I'll let you park the the garage.
I do what he says and drive to he is driveway which happens to be pretty damn long but he has the gate closed. The gate opens and I drive up the driveway and into the garage. I park my car and just as I'm about to open my door it opens for me.

"I knew you would show up." Mason greets me with a big bear hug.

"I couldn't miss it. Now where can a girl get herself a beer?"

"I thought you said you weren't drinking?"

"Well some people call it changing your mind if that's alright with you."

"Fine by me, just this way." As I walk into the house it seems familiar like I've been here before. It's strange because I don't remember going to a party here but like I said before when I'm drunk I never tend to remember things. Mason hands me a beer and I take a pretty decent sip, I can feel the bubbles and coldness of the beer run down my throat and I'm just dying for more. Mason and I get a little carried away and in no time we are doing shots. I'm pretty drunk now as is Mason but he never leaves my side. We both make our way over to beer pong, he beats me just but I feel like I'm having the time of my life right now.

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