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As I stand here in front of my dream a tear rolls down my cheek, I've come so far and my dreams are just starting to come true. Today is the opening day to my own gym, it's been a dream of mine ever since I started fighting and working out, but I never told anyone because I never thought it would come true. I don't know how everything can be so perfect. I am 21 and happily engaged to the love of my life.


Graduation, what a day, it was the day I was waiting for all my life the end of school, the day I could finally take off and do what ever the hell I wanted to do with my life. It was also the day I told my best friend I love him.

~Flashback~ We all throw our graduation caps up into the air and the crowd erupts with cheers, soon people start filing out of their seats, parents moving to talk to other parents and graduates going to talk about their collage plans. Charlotte walks past me giving me the death stare before her face softens and she smiles at me, I smile back and nod my head at her but both of I us know no words should be exchanged.

I suddenly feel two strong arms wrap around me and I smile turning around to face no other than Mason Hunter.

"We did it Bell I can't believe I can finally leave this place." He stated calling me Bell, Blake and Ellie, after he claimed saying just Blake was boring.

"What are your plans big boy?" I question him because we hadn't talked about it.

"My plan are to continue waiting for you." He hasn't given up on waiting for me all this time, I don't know how he does it. "What are your plans?" He suddenly questions me, I don't really know my reply, I haven't thought about it myself, but I think I have the perfect response.

"My plan? Well my plan is to finally say, I love you Mason Hunter and I've been stupid holding onto that all this time." He looks me in the eyes before taking over my lips with his, I give into the kiss but push him back and continue, "I plan to love you for the rest of my life, I plan to have a family with you, I plan to marry you, I plan to grow old with you, but I'm scared, I'm scared I'll lose you again even though we can get through everything, I know we can because we love each other." I might of just seen a tear roll down his cheek but I brush it off as we stand there and cuddle each other, never letting go.

~End of Flashback~


I look down at my massive engagement ring and my quite swollen belly wondering what my life would have been like without Mason Hunter, and goodness it would have been one hell of a boring life.

I feel a peck on my neck and turn around to see my Mason.

"I'm so proud of you Bell." His high school nickname for me has stuck and I don't have a problem with it. "I'm so proud that you have followed your dreams and this place will be a blast knowing the top fighter opened her own gym." I remember that day crystal clear. That day at school Charlotte had bumped into me just as the first bell went, she said I was nothing and wouldn't go anywhere in life because I'm not good at anything, it made me think that maybe it is time, time to show people that I can do something I could kick everyones butt so when lunch rolled around thats what I did.

Once everyone was in the cafeteria, or enough people, I stepped onto one of the tables and shouted to get everyones attention, it is then that I told them that I had been hiding something, something that means a lot to me and after I finished my little speech I pulled off my wig and let my blonde hair flow down my back. There where so many gasps and then there were pictures, people couldn't believe that they had been going to school with 'Lightening' for years. There were a lot of questions from then on and people wanted to be my friend but I knew not to give in to them because they just wanted to use me but there was one person that always stuck by my side even when I found things to tough.

"Thank you for staying with me all these years Mason."

"I told you I would never let go." and that he didn't.

Officially The END


A/N~ I can't believe the book is over, its been the best thing to write and I can't thank you guys enough for reading. I hope all you questions were answered but if you do have any questions about the book don't be afraid to comment or message me asking.

There will be no sequel. Thank you so much for reading I love you so much

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Ps comment if you want me to do a Mason POV from then to now.

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