20//Cold Hearted

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I might of cried all day yesterday but today I'm making Mason cry, oh do I have big plans for that boy. I start off my morning with a hot shower I then change into clothes a little out of my comfort zone, I change into a tight skirt that sits just below my bottom, I then through on a lace push up bra and wear a cropped singlet over, a cute denim jacket, then I put on my cute high heels and head out the door. I fell like I'm wearing no clothes, this is bad maybe I should turn around and change but I can't  I have to show Mason what he threw away. When I get in my car I put on my wig and munch on my breakfast bar all the way to school.

I arrive at school with ten minuets till the start so pretty much everyone is here and a lot of people hang out at the front of school, well I wanted the attention so here goes nothing.

"I am truly sorry to all the boys I have to use please know that I'm a bitch." I say out loud before exiting my car. I step out of my car and make my way to the doors. I can feel the staring of guys eyes on my butt and boobs and I can feel the eyes of girls silently asking what I am doing but I keep my head up and continue walking, it is then that I spot a group of cute guys from the football team and I make my way over to them instead of going inside.

"Hey boys." I say in a flirty voice.

"Hey Blake." The one with shaggy blonde hair says seeming a little dazed. I stay there and flirt with them making each of them dazed.

"Shit!" A guy with dark black hair says looking at the parking lot, all of the boys turn their attention to the car park and so do I. Seriously it's only Mason getting out of his car, oh right it's Mason forgot he was such a celebrity. As he walks along the path I see the girls fall to his feet and the guys practically bow down for him, I see the little glance Mason gives me from the corner of his eye so I know he has seen me.

"Are you guys scared of Mason or something?" I turn around and ask the boys.

"What no." They all say.

"Right that's why you all go silent when he walks past and you guys pretend you weren't talking to me."

"Fine he is a little scaring and he threatens us if we ever touch you or even talk to you."

"Well news flash boys he doesn't own me and he is a dick head, he won't hurt you and if he tries oh will he be begging for mercy. I leave it at that before making my way inside. Once again I feel everyones eyes on me and whispers throughout the halls. The bell rings and I make my way to my locker to get my books then to english, by now everyone is in class and I'm late but who cares. I walk in to english and make my way to the back where I normally sit and take a seat.

"It's nice of you to join us miss Smith." The teacher says.

I find it funny how ever since I changed my appearance the teachers that loved me now think I'm some sort of student that gets an F on every test, when really my smartness hasn't changed because my looks have, oh well who need teachers to love you. All my classes go so slow before the lunch bell finally sounds and I make my way to the cafeteria.

"Hey Blake," I turn around not recognising the voice, "Hi I'm tori you probably don't know me but I just wanted to let you know Charlotte, Brittany and Stacey are all planing their own little revenge plan on you for using Mason."

"Tell them good luck if they lay a finger nail on me and they can have that dick head, they will like my scraps." I say to Tori who is probably one of their followers.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't serve for any of them bitches I just over heard their groups talking and I wanted to let you know."

"Well thank you for that. I'm sorry if I came across as a bitch I'm just not in the mood for their crap. Do you want to sit with me?"

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