6//Date night

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I was tossing and turning all night, nightmares from the past coming back to haunt me. The nightmares never stop but they are a lot better than they were a few years ago. When I've finally had enough and can't bare to close my eyes again I decide to get out of bed and go for a swim. It's 3:30am and the pool will keep me awake. At about 4am Jake walks outside at sit down on one of the chairs looking out and watching the sun rise. I don't think he knew I was in the pool but I just stared at him watching all his features change.

I'm lucky to have a brother like Jake, he cares for me and he looks after me, he pretty much has no normal social life because of me as well. He dropped out of collage after everything happened and he cut off all his friends, even after I told him to go back he refused saying he has to care for me.

I hop out of the pool and pull out the chair next to Jake and continue watching the sun rise. "Jake?"

"Yeah?" He grunted sounding like he still wasn't fully awake.

"Why don't you ever go out?"

"I've told you this Blake, I have to look after you."

"I'm seventeen Jake I can look after myself for one day. Go out have fun catch up with old friend and bloody hell find a girlfriend." We both laughed at that.

"A girlfriend? Blake are you serious?"

"Deadly serious. You haven't even been on a date for three on more years." An idea popped into my head and I almost jumped with glee but I don't want Jake to know what I'm planing. "I'm going to have a shower and get ready for school." Jake nods and I make my way to my bedroom. I scoop my phone up off my desk and download tinder, yep thats right I'm finding Jake a tinder date.

I make a profile for Jake. I set my phone down and take a long hot shower.
The whole school week was a drag it went on forever. In PE I defeated both opponents on Tuesday and Thursday but to tell you the truth some of the girls have potential. The girl I fought against on Thursday had strength, when I blocked her fist so it wouldn't hit my face the force on my arm was strong. There are no more girls left so it's boys and me, there are a lot more boys in my PE class than girls.

It Friday and the last class of the day. My fight is at 8pm I would normally have a lot of time to prepare but not today because Mason Hunter decided it would be a good idea to ask 'Ellie' on a date. He could be taking me out of town for all I know, I might not even make it back in time for my fight.

When I get home I hop in the shower straight away. I walk out with my towel tightly around me, I don't know where he is taking me so I have no clue what to wear. After a good half an hour I decide to wear my nicest pair of jeans and a tight shirt that is more on the dressy side, the shirt shows off a little bit of cleavage but it makes me feel confident and it's not like Mason hasn't seen me in a sports bra. I go back into my bathroom and blow dry my hair, I then do some loose curls just at the bottom. My makeup is a bit more than usual with foundation, eye shadow, bronzer, blush, eye liner and my favourite mascara. It's no secret but I'm looking pretty damn good right now. I grab a small hand bag and make my way to the door. He sent me a text saying he would pick me up at 5:30pm and we would go out for dinner before we go to the mystery place.

Bang on 5:30 the door bell rings, I try to get to the door before Jake, but of course Jake got there before me and was currently giving Mason a death glare.

"Ok we better be on our way." I break the awkward silence between the two boys. We step out the door and when we get to the car Mason jogs a little in front of me to open my door.

"You look very beautiful." I almost felt a blush rise on my cheeks but I hid it best I could.

We turn up at a nice little restaurant a few blocks away. It's a nice little place the service was great and the food was out of this world. I didn't eat a big meal because I don't want it to come up later tonight. Mason offered me desert but I declined.

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