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The weekend was a blur it went past faster than a speeding car. I was dreading school on Monday although I was feeling giddy just thinking about, I had a little plan/idea I knew it was the right time to put into place. 

Getting ready for school is normal for me now but after the fight in PE I feel the urge to add something to my look, I'll keep the nerdy look but I'm gonna spice the look up a bit more daring, more me. I add light makeup that is hardly noticeable but it makes me look more alive, I also get rid of the over size jumper and went for a shirt where the sleeves went down to my elbows still covering my tattoo.

I walk into school with my head high, the whole school has seen the video of Charlotte and I over the weekend because it got leaked on Facebook, it spread faster than her nudes and it doesn't scare me one bit that everyone knows of me now. Everyone who has been bullied by her over the years are suddenly looking at me like they are thankful for me beating her and it turns out Charlotte has bullied a lot of people even the popular ones. School is just the ordinary day, math to start off then cooking to end it. I walk down to my car with confidence but not to much as I still want to come off as the shy nerd but I am happy that today went really well. When I get to my car I see Mason leaning against the the driver window obviously waiting for me but I was a little confused as to why Mason Hunter wound be leaning on my car and how he even knew it was my car in the first place. I continued walking towards him anyway I was curious as to what he has to say.

"Can I help you?" I ask with confidence.

"Yeah. How'd you do it?" So does he think I can read minds because I have no clue what he is on about.

"Do what exactly?"

"Beat Charlotte in the fighting match. Surely you paid her but even she wouldn't take the money she doesn't like losing, so what kind of deal did you make with her?" Ahh so everyone is convinced I paid her off somehow.

"I would never make a deal with Charlotte of all people, plus its not like I knew I was up against her in the first place. So you wanna know what the truth is? The truth is what you saw there is no catch to it she isn't that strong, yeah she might have the body but its all it the picture."

"She isn't strong? You must have super strength she has beat up many people in her time and that was the first fight she has ever lost. Whats your secret, I can see you got rid of the big jumpers and the the shirt your wearing right now shows the muscle in your arms so theres no secret that you aren't weak, you obviously workout." Crap I knew wearing this shirt was a bad idea. It seems Mason has been noticing me a bit to much, he is picking up on all the little things and I don't like it.

"Soon I'm going to have to put these muscles into use because if you don't get out of my way I am going to have to do something about it." With that he moves out of my way and I drive away. Theres something going on with Mason he is trying to figure me out and I have to do everything possible to keep my secrets.

When I get home I'm dying for a run a proper one, I've been running around the block and not at the oval because I didn't want to risk seeing Mason again but running on pavement kills my knees and I don't care about him today I'll punch him in the face if I need to, he will probably be turned on by it but I'm just hoping I don't see him at all.


Mason's POV

Gosh Blake is feisty, I was just trying to find out information about the fight with Charlotte. She must work out, maybe she does boxing I'm pretty sure she has a brother he probably teaches her I don't know. I think she is catching onto me though when she saw I was digging deeper trying to figure her out she finished the conversation with a threat. When I got home I got the dog leash and took my little one for a walk. I've been going to the oval everyday waiting for Ellie to turn up but not once has she when I see her again I don't know how to confront her, should I go straight in and tell her I know she is a street fight or play a bit?

When the oval came into sight I could see a figure running around, it couldn't be Ellie, just my luck. As I get closer her back is to me so I duck behind a tree, I'm going to study her for a bit just to be sure it was definitely her in that ring. She is light on her feet good thing for fighting as I move my eyes up her body I notice she is wearing a sports bra showing off her abs, why is this girl always teasing. She is getting closer and closer and I can see every muscle moving on her body an damn she has a lot of muscle.

"Is there something I can help you with Mason?" Shit she found me, what the hell how did she see me.

"I was just picking up dog poo." Yeah that will work.

"OK but don't you need a doggy bag for that or are you planing on picking it up with your bare hands?" Crap she's observant.

"Ok you caught me, I'm a bad dog owner I was burying the poo." Eww

"Right..." I'm face to face with her now and as I quickly look around her body I notice a few tattoos, one that is the most noticeable is on her shoulder.

"Nice ink! Whats its purpose?" She runs her fingers over the tattoo and she looks deep in thought.

"I'd rather not share." She has a few secrets I'm guessing. I've run out of questions and the urge to talk about the streets is treating to come out but she can't know I fight I have to be subtle about it.

"What are you doing this Friday coming, any plans?"

"Umm yeah I have plans."

"What could you possibly be doing on a Friday night? Unless your going to a party I don't know about." she was in deep though trying to figure out what to say it almost made me laugh.

"Family night. Its like a big deal in my house." convincing but not good enough.

"I'm sure you can skip one family night and come hung with me. I want to show you some place I found."

"What time?" We both had late fights the roster came out today she is on a 8pm and I'm on at 8:30pm this could work.

"I'll pick you up at 6pm."

"Where are we going?"

"Thats surprise." With that sorted I turned around and walked home. I'm pretty sure I'm a genius with the plan I have up my sleeve.


Blake's POV

Hold up I just agreed to go on what I'm guessing is a date on Friday and Friday is fight night I'm going to be a runaway date. I have it sorted though. I'll pack my bag with everything I need for fighting then at 7pm I'll get Jake to pick me up from the date wherever we are going and I'll quickly get changed on the way to the streets and I'll be ready by 8pm for my fight, easy, I think. Worst comes to worst I'll try to get the fight moved back a bit or just claim to be fashionably late, its worked before.

I finish my homework and decide to call it a night. I have PE tomorrow and once again I feel sorry for who ever I have to fight, I hope they are good at defending themselves because I'm going straight in this time, I can't be bothered waiting like last time.


Another chapter done and dusted. Thank you for 100 read I know it doesn't seem like much but it really means a lot to me. Thank you to the same few people that keep commenting and voting you know who you are it means a lot to me that you are reading. The story is starting to get more exciting I promise I wonder where Mason will take Blake/Ellie on the 'date' let me know where you think he will take her.


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