17//Don't Underestimate the Unknown

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I'm finally home from the hospital thank goodness because I hate hospitals. When I get home I don't say or do anything I just make my way up to my room and collapse on my bed. I'm exhausted from sleeping so much if that's even possible. I start thinking about nothing in particular but I randomly start to wonder about Mason, I haven't seen him for a few days but that's probably due to the fact that I woke up and shouted at him then kicked him out but it's not all my fault he can't tell me what to do, Jake can't even tell me what to do and he is my own brother. Jake... I have hardly spoken to him after he came to the hospital and I worked out he was fine I never really spoke to him.

"Hey Jake?" I say as I wonder into the living room.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"It's like Wednesday right?" I ask unsure of what day it actually is.


"So who am I fighting on Friday night?"


"You have to be kidding me Jake, you're not going to let me fight, gosh you're just like Mason."

"Well we already called up and told them you won't be fighting because we didn't know if you would be awake."

"Well that doesn't matter anymore because I'm clearly awake."

"You're not fighting this week Blake, no arguments." I know I shouldn't argue with Jake, after all he knows what's best for me and it is very rarely that I actually listen to him.

"Fine but I'm allowed to got to school right?" Wait did I just say that? What is wrong with me.

"Yes just be careful and stay with Mason." Or not.



Blake came back home today but instead of being there I decided to come to school because Blake probably needs some space as it seems. When I stepped out of my car I got weird looks from everyone, do I have something on my face or something? It's probably the lack of sleep I got last night.

"Logan?" I'll just ask him why everyone is looking at me funny.

"Oh look who has risen from the dead."

"Umm hi to you to, now can you please tell me why I'm getting weird looks from everyone."

"It's probably due to the fact that we all thought you had died."

"Died, me? Why?"

"Well because you haven't been at school and even if you don't want to go to classes you always come to school and just hang out.

"Well I'm not dead am I, SO EVERYONE CAN STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE I'VE RISEN FROM THE DEAD!" That's all it takes before people stop staring at me.

"Where's Blake?" Logan asks changing the subject.

"I don't know." It's semi true, I don't know if she is back at home our still in hospital.


"She doesn't want to talk to me right now, okay so leave it."

"Alright I'm sorry man."

The school day is taking forever to go by without Blake here, she has been on my mind all day, I don't care what that stupid note said I will always stand with Blake even if we are just friends. When the lunch bell rings I walk to the cafeteria and meet Logan at our table. I sit down and pull out my phone because Logan is already distracted by his lady friends. I look at my phone for ever before finally building up the courage to text Blake.

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