16//She's a Different Girl

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Mason's POV

The doctors won't let me in to see Blake so they make me sit in the waiting room. I am so worried about Blake what if she doesn't make it all the machines beeping could be a bad thing. The thing that keeps coming back into my mind is why she said mum, all the times I have gone over to Blake's house neither her mum or her dad have been there and all the times I have hung out with Blake she has never mentioned them. Maybe they work away in a different country and she doesn't talk about them because she doesn't want to miss them more. She is good at that- not talking about the things that make her sad.

As I pace back and forth I think about Jake, he doesn't know what's happened. I pull out my phone and send him a text.

Me: Hey Jake just thought I should let you know Blake's machines started going crazy and I think she is awake but I got kicked out of her room and I don't know whats happening.

Jake: You're kidding right. I mean she's awake but her machines are going off like crazy. Crap. I'm on my way.

I don't bother to reply because I don't want him to have a car crash checking his phone then I'll be worried about two people in this hell hole.



I saw her she was there right next to me like she was calling for me then when I call for her everything went white and the beeping sound that I can still hear is killing me. Where am I? What happened? Suddenly everything goes silent, there's no noise but I can feel someone's presents around me. I open and shut my eye multiple times before my vision starts to clear. I know where I am straight away it's not the first time. I come here when I get concussions from my fights. But why am I in hospital, I won my fight without a concussion I know that for a fact, I remember that but after it's just a blur. Did I even make it home? If I didn't who found me and where? So many questions that I can't answer.

Where's Jake? What if he is hurt. I try to move but I'm so physically sore that an unwanted grunt leaves my mouth.

"Miss Smith are you feeling alright?" A nurse says from next to me.

"Umm... What happened why am I here?"

"I'll let you partner in to explain. He is very worried about you." My partner, who's my partner? Oh no has it been years or something what if I'm engaged maybe I have kids but I don't remember any of them. The last thing I remember is winning my fight. I turn to ask the nurse to ask what year it is but she is gone and I'm left alone.

"Blake?" A familiar voice comes from the door. I turn my head ever so slightly to see... Mason, like Mason Hunter oh god what was I thinking why did I decide to get engaged to him of all people I mean from what I know we had this thing but I thought it was just for fun.

"Umm hey Mason. Can I ask you something?" I ask a bit unsure of what will happen next.


"What year is it."

"Oh no have you forgotten everything? It's 2016. What's the last thing you remember?

"2016? Thank goodness I thought I had memory loss because the nurse said she was going to let my partner- wait my partner. Who is my partner why would I get engaged in senior year? Oh no I have memory loss."

"Calm down Blake you don't have memory loss I told the doctor we were getting engaged so I could come in and see you, they would only let immediate family in so I had to tell a little white lie." Oh that makes a lot of sense.

"Why wouldn't you just say your my broth- wait never mind I can answer that one."

"You are just like Jake."

"Where's Jake? Is he ok what happened? Actually why am I here?"

"Jake is fine he is one his way. And you are in her because-"

"We were playing around and you bashed your head and were knocked out and it was pretty serious that's why you've been out for a few days." Jake says cutting Mason off, Mason just gives him a look before turning back to look at me."


Mason's POV

She doesn't remember what happened. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but obviously Jake doesn't want her to know so I'll keep my mouth shut. We are told she has to stay at least one more night before going home. At 7pm Jake leaves to go home and I stay and talk with Blake.

"I can't believe you're finally awake it seems like it's been forever." I say unsure as to what to talk about. Blake seems like she's changed a bit, I don't know though she seems more distant.

"Yeah I though it had been a few years but thank goodness that wasn't the case. Oh hey hows school been?" What do I tell her? I haven't been going because I've been at the hospital all day?

"You know same old same old, boring as hell. That's the other thing I called up and said you won't be fighting on Friday night."

"What why?"

"Because you need to rest, you need to get all your strength back."

"Don't tell me what I need to do! Get out I don't want to see you right now, I'll see you at the rings."

"You're not going Blake!"

"GET OUT!" I stood up giving her one last look before walking out. I guess it's a sign that I should get back home.

I walk out of the hospital, the nurses looking at me funny because I never leave, but I walk to my car and speed home. How could she just kick me out like that I'm just trying to protect her and save her from danger, she can't fight her way through everything.

"Mason is that you?" My mother says when I walk through the door but I choose to ignore her like she has done to me for a few years. "Mason!" I continue my trek up the stairs to my room. I go to collapse on my bed but I notice a note with my name on it laying in the centre of my bed. I pick up the note wondering who could of sent it. In side it's reads...
Stay away from Blake, she doesn't need someone like you in her life. Break things off with her before bad things start happening. Ps don't underestimate me.

What the actual hell? Is someone trying to pull a prank because it's not funny. I will not break things off with Blake, I'm going to make them real. No more messing around. Once she is out of hospital I'll take her out on a date and apologise for being protective and try get her to understand that she means a lot to me. Hopefully I mean the same to her and I'm not just a fling.

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