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He doesn't even know me! He doesn't know my story he doesn't know why I fight, he doesn't know anything. He thinks he is better than me, no one is better than ME! I keep shouting in my head. Why does he have to be like all the other guys? Thinks he is better than everyone else. Guess what buddy, I smashed your ass.

I reach the driveway of my house and storm inside.

"Your home a little early. I'm pretty sure you're meant to be at school." I send Jake a look. "Oh wait never mind go do what you wish." That's what I thought. It never takes long for Jake to figure out when I'm angry.

After laying on my bed for god knows how long I hear my phone beep from my desk. I force myself to get up and check it.

Mason: can we talk about it?

Me: talk about how I kicked your ass? But no you have to run after me and tell me what I did was dangerous because you could have hurt me? No you don't get to disrespect me like that you don't get to tell me you can beat me when clearly you can't do anything to stop me from fighting. I will always fight, I fight for a reason, I don't fight because I like it and I think it's cool. No I fight because it can save me, I can save others and I love it. So what is it you wanted to talk about?

Mason: I just want to say I'm sorry. I didn't know it meant so much to you. It's just that your safety means a lot to me.

Me: whatever you say Mason.

With that I turn my phone off and throw it on my bed.


She's angry, very angry. I don't know what I was thinking she beat me fair a square. She lives for the fight but what makes her love it so much? Why is she so determined to win when it doesn't mean anything but a bit of money that she clearly doesn't need. There's something behind everything, there's a real reason she fights.

I hop in my car and start driving. I don't even know where I'm driving until I end up at the place I dread most. The grave I love talking to but wish he was here. The brother that left me behind to face everything alone. My twin brother that everyone still thinks is alive just going to boarding school.

I walk up to his grave and it reads Riley Hunter, loving son, brother and friend. But what they left out is that he was so much more than that he was smart, funny and he left his whole word behind him, he also took my whole world away. It's only been a year and a half just at 16 he was taken trying to save me.

I sit there next to his grave for hours, it's starting to get dark so I say my goodbyes and get back in my car. I just sit there in my car starring out into nothingness and soon I find myself crying. I don't cry much but it happens. I start my car and head home although I find myself taking a detour to Blake's house. I hop out and make my way to the front door not really having control over my movements. It's only a moment before the door opens revealing Jake.

"Hey can I help you?" He asks seeming pretty chill.

"Can I speak to Blake please."

"Yeah you might not want to do that she is a little moody, I think it's that time of the month." He jokes around but I'm not up for any jokes. I push past him and when I spot the stairs I go up them guessing her bedroom is upstairs somewhere. Her house is massive but it's that blasting music that leads me to her bedroom. I knock a few times but there is no answer. So I slowly open the door to see her lying on her bed starring off into space.

"Blake?" I say a little loudly but my voice kind of cracks because I've me crying. I think the crack in my voice is what makes her look up.

"What are you doing here?"

"To be honest, I don't really know."

"Don't play stupid with me Mason." She raises her voice.

"I'm no lying Blake!" I shout but once again my voice cracks and her face softens.

"Look Mason the thing is you don't know my story, in fact no one but me and Jake knows my story. But you still waltz in with not a care in the world."

"Blake we both have stories on one knows but I think the reason I'm here is because I want to share my story with you. And I don't expect a story from you I just need you to listen."


"Well my brother-" I start.

"Riley? He went to boarding school right? Well that's what I heard. Sorry carry on." She say interrupting me.

"Ok don't interrupt questions at the end. Anyway my brother yes Riley didn't exactly go to boarding school. Boarding school is a cover up, I was to upset to tell everyone that my twin brothers died saving my life one and a half years ago. After Riley's death I started using girls and throwing them away like trash, I started drinking and taking drugs but the best decision I made was fighting. I signed up for street fighting just out of town and I never lost a match it was to easy that's why after watching a few fights a the rings I decided to sign up there because it's closer and has better competition. I don't know the reason you fight but I fight for my brother, I fight because he saved my life and risked his own. He took a bullet for me Blake, a literal bullet." That's when I started crying again and I looked over from where I was sitting at her desk chair to see Blake crying to but it looks like she has been crying since the first word that came out of my mouth.

I get up and make my way to her bed she makes room for me and once I'm seated she snuggles into me and no one says a word we just sit there holding each other while we cry.


Ok I'm sorry don't judge I know this is a crap chapter but I hope you liked that little twist I didn't know when the right time to put it in was but I found it. Yep Mason had a twin brother. I don't know when you'll find out why Blake fights but I'm trying to fit it in somewhere, comment why you think Blake fights.

Thank you for reading love you all xx
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