21//Meet and Greet Complications

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Blake's POV

I was debating whether or not I should go to school today and just as I was about to go back to sleep Jake barges in my room with an air horn.

"Up you get it's a beautiful day the, the sun is out, the birds are chirping and school is calling your name." Jake say in the most energetic voice ever.

"Nah I think I'll pass on school today Jake, I have a big meet and greet after so I better get a lot of rest."

"Non sense when have you been stopped because you are tired now get up and get dressed I'm driving you to school." I go to argue but he is out the door before I get the chance. I hop in the shower almost falling asleep because of the warm water but I eventually get out and change, I change into a crop top and short short that show a little bit of my bottom, I think I'm getting really good at this whole teasing thing, I then put on knee high boots and make my way down stairs but not before doing my make up and throwing on an over sized jumper so Jake doesn't see what I'm wearing.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask Jake while grabbing a breakfast bar.

"Yep lets- what are you wearing?" He asks cutting himself off.

"An over sized jumper and knee length boots, is that a problem?"

"No I mean what are you wearing under that jumper? Lift it up." I sigh and lift up the jumper. "Get your butt back upstairs right now and change out of them shorts!" I didn't feel like arguing so I did as he said and put on less revealing shorts. When I was dressed and ready we hopped in his car and started pulling out of the drive way.

"WAIT!!" I shout and he stops the car just as we are about to pull out. "I forgot my wig in my car." He drove the car back up to the garage and I ran to get my wig situating it on my head before going back to Jake's car.

"Is that all?" He asks when I get back in.

"Yep lets go." We make our way to school and when we get there Jake drops me at the very front, not on the path before we enter school no he decides to drop me right at the front of school and everyone is staring because his car engine is so noisy, kill me now. Let the questions start, I don't know what people will think maybe he's my new boy toy, no bitch he is my annoying older brother so back off, yeah I got whatever is coming for me.

The school day was so boring by the time lunch rolled around I was the main talk, one because of the kiss Harry and I shared yesterday and two because everyone was trying to figure out who dropped me to school, then there were people saying 'she is such a slut,' or 'I think she's doing good giving the guys a taste of their own medicine, she's like a fuckboi but a fuckgirl, she kind of rocks.' Now I like what some people think but others are just jealous.

I stand out the front of school after everyone has left and I'm trying to work out how to get home because Jake isn't picking up his phone and I have no one to drive me.

"Hey there stranger." I turn around to see Logan walking towards me.

"Hey Logan." He reaches me and gathers me in a big bear hug.

"What are you still doing at school?" 

"My brother isn't answering his phone and I didn't drive this morning."

"I'll give you a lift, it's not to far out of my way I have to go to Mason's house." I try not to drop my head when he mentions Mason but I fail and look at the ground.

"Thanks Logan a lift would be great." Me walk to his car and he hold my door opener me then runs around to his side before taking off.

"So who did drive you to school this morning I've heard some rumours, was it a boy?" He wants the gossip as always.

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