12//Unknown POV

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Unknown POV

"I could of really hurt you Blake!" I think thats, Mason?

"Does it really look like I'm hurt?" Thats Blake.

"What you did was stupid." What has Blake done now first she comes to school looking all dressed up and completely different and now she has done something stupid, I can't wait to find out.

"No do you know what is stupid? You! I fight, I've always been a fighter! Please tell me who is at the top of the leader board a the rings, thats right me. I have motives Mason, never underestimate me." The rings? I've heard about them, but wait Blake competes at the rings and she is on top, how is that possible? I'm going to have to check it out.

I hear foot steps coming around the corner so I quickly duck into one of the empty classrooms to see an angry looking Blake, with blonde hair?

Knowing all this stuff about Blake could help me in my favour, I could blackmail her, I could get her to love me like I've loved her for many years, she could be mine, all mine and no one not even Mason can stop that. I will have Blake.

I need to start with a plan right away and try and keep Blake and Mason angry at each other for as long as possible or at least until I can make my way in then Mason will be mad at her again and everything works in my favour it's a win win. 

I loved Blake when she was a nobody but now I get the real deal, the hot blonde Blake. 



yes its short but its a new character who over heard Mason and Blake having their little argument. Obviously this character doesn't know that Mason and Blake are all good now and this guy thinks he has a shot. wonder what happens.

love you guys heaps xx

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