Do i look like a doormat?

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I'm quite tired of bullshit. You where a complete arsehole to me and all of a sudden your posting  dumbass pictures of us on Instagram saying how we used to be 'squad goals'. We were the most awful 'squad' I had ever been a part of. We all hated each other and I fucking despised each and every one of you (minus one person) you were always rude, disrespectful, mean and bitchy 24/7. To think you were once a really nice person and I considered us to be very close. But then you turn around and make it all turn to shit. I was happy ignoring you. I'm happy to carry on ignoring you. I don't want to be friends with a disguisting person like you. Once you show who you really are there is no turning back AND TRUST ME WHATEVER YOU WANTED TO ACHEIVE WITH THAT STUPID PICTURE DEFINATLY DIDNT HAPPEN. I didn't even leave a comment I simply untagged myself so my username didn't show up and ignored you. If you thought I was a pushover than man are you wrong. 5 years ago maybe you would've had a different reaction. In those 5 years I grew up and realised that you shouldn't bother arguing with people who think you are their bitch. Prove to them how strong and in afraid you are and how you won't stand to be pushed around. I'm not going to be someone's bitch again. Ever. I have my friends and I am happy like that I don't need someone to act like they are better than me and they control me. I am a free spirit and you can't stop me from flying.

Btw, you should really watch house of flying daggers it was so inspiring. This women falls in love with the man she shouldn't, the other love in her life hates him for it and thinks she should die if she doesn't love him. She sends her true love away knowing they can't be together. But (earlier in the movie he told she he was called wind because he was a free spirit) she knows that if she doesn't follow her heart there is no point to loving at all.

She runs after him but the other guy,
He throws a dagger and it hits her. He walks out and asks her why she was doing this. She told him she knew that he was going to kill her but she went anyway. She followed her heart even though she knew she was going to die. So she tells him, I'm a free spirit, like the wind.

I find that really beautiful. The fact that she would rather die than be controlled by that man. She was strong and independent and she didn't care about the rest of the world as long as she was happy.

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