Feminism rocks

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What do people have against feminists, not the sort that hate men. The real ones. Personally I think feminism is amazing. Women deserve equality and should have all the same options men have in life. What the fuck is wrong with that. Most men that disagree with real feminism are just pigs that think women are slaves that belong in the kitchen. In reality my gender should have nothing to do with my job, my school life, how I am treated by others.

Another important thing that nobody stresses enough is rape. Rape is such a hideous thing. We shouldn't still be having to talk about it, rape just shouldn't happen. There shouldn't need to be anti rape ads. Rape happens for one reason, some people are fucking sick monsters that DONT FUCKING REALISE NO MEANS NO. Is it that hard to understand? You don't get to come up to a man or woman and pull down their underwear and expect her to be okay with it. CONSENT PEOPLE! If someone says no, you don't do it, simple as. You offer someone a cake and they decline, you don't force it down their throat? Why should you be able to do the same to a person? Wearing 'provocative clothing' isn't a valid excuse. A person should be allowed to wear whatever they want, that doesn't mean they are asking to be raped. That's why it's called rape because they fucking said no! It's not even just adults either. Children are being raped all over the country without anyone realising, were they asking for it? NO THEY FUCKING WERENT THEY ARE CHILDREN YOU SICK PEDO GET OFF OF THIS PLANET!


Abortion. So many people thinks it's wrong. Now this is a pretty difficult subject but if I'm going to be honest, I do aggree with abortion. Before people try to get defensive I will explain my reasons.
1) rape victims can often become pregnant. Why should the woman go through all the pain of birth to raise a child she resented seeing everyday, having them as a harsh reminder of what happened to them? Yes, they could put them up for adoption but in the end, that baby was still a product of rape, the woman will never forget they are out there and feel even more guilty about the situation.

2) the fetus is (in most normal cases) aborted before it has actually developed into a living being. When the fetus is aborted it isn't murder as the baby isn't even and actual baby yet. So if the woman and her unborn child were murdered at that same point, the murderer would only be sentenced for the one life they took as the baby wasn't technically a person yet.

3) it's the woman's body. Her uterus, she gets to choose what goes in and what goes out. NOT YOU, NOT ANYBODY ELSE, HER! You may not agree with it but in the end it isn't your choice as you aren't the one carrying the baby. Every reason for abortion is valid. Whether they aren't ready yet, don't want kids in general or the baby is a product of some awful experience/relationship. In the end it's the woman's body, she gets to choose what she does with it.

4) would it really be fair bringing a baby into this world for it only to be unwanted. You can use the adoption excuse again but I can find multiple reasons it's not a good thing. The adoption system isn't very good. Often children don't have a safe secure place to go if they don't get adopted immediately. They will be passed from foster home to Foster home, meaning they will never be able to settle anywhere. Is that fair for them? What about the parents. They have this child in their arms then they have to feel the guilt of giving them up. Everyday for the rest of their lives wondering, are they happy, was it the right choice, would they have been happier here, could I have loved them? It's just not fair. For either of them. So in the end, this child could potentially go through hell, the parents will potentially go through hell along with all the other people effected around them. When they couldn't just got an abortion in the beginning when the baby wasn't actually even a baby?

So they are my reasons for supporting abortion. If you disagree Idgaf because it's my opinion and you can't change it I'm afraid.

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