Popular arseholes

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So basically popular people are a very unique breed. There are many different types for the boys and girls. Here's some examples

1: the dumb ones that are sluts

So basically they like to put on as much makeup as possible to make up for there blank boring personalities. This one girl asked who Morgan freeman was in my class. Like what even are you? He was literally just on the screen and WHO THE FUCK DOESNT KNOW MORGAN FREEMAN. I'm sorry I just have a lot of hate for these types of people.

2: the ones that act like they are in real relationship

These can be the worst breed of girl out there. Once they have a boyfriend for the millionth time this new relationship will 'last forever' and they're 'in love'. Like come on you've already broken up with basically every other boyfriend you have had and said the Same bs. What makes them worse is when there boyfriend 'cheats on them'. Like how can a boy cheat on you at the age of 13? Did he hold someone else's hand?? OH THE HORROR!1!1!. You were never gunna last anyway dickhead. There is a reason I don't go out with people(other than the fact nobody likes me) it's because what's the point? You don't even kiss properly. You hug and hold hands and kiss cheeks? Ooh relationship goals!1!1!1!1!

3: the newby who just becomes popular for no reason.

This makes me mad cuz it's like I've been with these twats since for two fucking a school years. All I get is people laughing at me for no particular reason, you join the school for one day and leave with a billion friends, a boyfriend and are in fucking top set in fucking everything. Like you aren't even pretty? If you can look like that and be popular then I fucking should be. This girl doesn't know how to do her eyebrows and OMF it's so funny it's like this tiny box shape line the just makes her look awful. Me and my friend were laughing about it then she fucking walked round the corner and hear us. That was awkward as hell. Let's just say she deserved it tho. She treats other people like shit. Dumb slut.

4: the ones that drift in and out

Drifters. Are they popular or aren't they? And age old question. What they do is go from friend to friend or group to group. They hang with the popular crowd then the unpopular crowd, it's like they are friends with everyone, it's frighting. They are just very lockable but don't have just one distinct friend.

5: that one popular that everyone says 'there okay'

Come on we all know that talk we have with our friends were we say who we hate, and who is okay. They tend to be the quite popular that you can kind of talk to if you really have to. We don't have many of these were I come from but they are that one popular person you think 'yeah if the teacher forces me to work with you, I'd be alright with that. Like I said, a rare breed. These can be found with boys aswell on the odd occasion. We have the odd one at my school but you will never actually be paired with them unless you are unbelievably lucky. I am always paired with the fucktards. Always.


1: the cocky ass who thinks he's the biggest rebel ever

We have multiple if these. They pretend they smoke weed, cigarettes, shisha. They do whatever they can think of to seem badass. Even though they aren't. They think that what they do in class is bad, they don't know anything. My brother used to make teachers cry, yes cry. I haven't seen any shed a tear through my entire life. They think they are intimidating, not really. I mean I wouldn't want to catch their stupid but hey. I am more intimidated by the fact they're boys really. Boys fucking terrify me. They can really make a girl feel bad about themselves. So that's why people are scared of them. Not because they're 'hard' but because they are cunts.

2: the one everyone claims has sent dickpics

This is more aimed at the boys in my school. There have been many dickpic rumours. I can't confirm if they're true but yeah. One day my friends just like yeah... Did you know Kyle sent Kiran a dickpic I was like tf? Then she said Kiran had been going round showing her friends Kyle's tiny dick(her exact words). I also heard some of the populars saying that somebody had sent her dickpics. But she was probably lying

3: the group that has really scary conversations

If you are shy and awkward you know how it is to eavesdrop on conversations. Then there are the boys that have absolutely no shame. They don't give a shit what they are talking about or who can hear. In art we have super long tables that are quite thin so the boys were openly talking in front of a row of girls there dick size. That's right. They were bragging about it being the size of his finger like motherfucker that's tiny. It was really hard not to just cry with laughter but we pulled through that lesson knowing what more information about the boys then I wanted.

4: the hot ones everyone has a crush on

We've all had a crush on one at least once in our life. By all I mean all it doesn't mean to happen but everyone ends up falling in love with that one boy. For our school it's this blonde likes call him shaniqua. I was one of the first to spot shaniqua. He caught my eye on the first day of year 7. I pointed him out to my friend at the time. We ended up crushing on him for about a year. But that ended when the haircut came about. But if you ask any girl in my year who the hottest boys are I can guarantee that he will be on the list. Fuck you shaniqua messing with our hearts like this.

5: the ones that can only ever be a dick

They base there entire lives on this one. The dicks! They are the ones that you just absolutely hate. Every opportunity they get they will tell you something to make you feel really uncomfortable.
Here's an example of this-
I was sat next to this twat let's call him tanisha. He tapped my shoulder and said you're sat on my imaginary friend. I was like oooookay. Then he added he's licking you're fanny right now but you don't realise. .-. -_- -.- ????

Let's just say I'm still scared by that. I was tempted to say 'well my imaginary friend is licking you're fanny too' but I was in to much shock. Just the thought of him imagining my you know. Ewwwww. Like that's just fucked up.

So these are the most distinctive types of populars I have come across

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